BerthusY's Forum Posts

  • Do you still get mail when you disable all the check boxes for subscriptions in your profile ? I suggest you to do that.

  • Thats weird, it works when i do it. Maybe you should check your codecs and convert your video to the one that all devices can play ?

    Or upload to youtube and embed it in the div plugin ?

  • Did you try the iframe plugin ? Instead of a website give the .mp4 url.

    To look it good, type border:0px; for css.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Didn't read all your text xD But Construct2 rocks, you can code if you want in javascript to make plugins, and re use them without recoding everytime. And it got a very supportive forum and tutorials page, the updates are on regular basis it gets only improved, but not every year but every month sometimes week. And the power on mobile platforms are now huge, 1 year ago when i bought it, the mobile support was poor. But now with cranberrygames support it's rocks all the native exporters out! Great work Scirra team!, you promised a good game engine, and didn't fail.

  • > cranberrygame


    > Do you know how i can change androids background picture ? Or can you make a plugin for that ? Thanks!


    Added Phonegap Wallpaper plugin

    Thanks for your patience!

    Thanks, you are the best!

  • xanxion

    SharesFacebook plugin is live.

    Everybody who bought the plugin; You can check your previous download link to download SharesFacebook plugin.

    Everybody got a detailed email but 2 failed to deliver this information is for them: If you didn't get a mail please pm your email te me.

  • Send you a couple of PM's.

    Thanks for the fast response, i also send you a PM regarding the share plugin being blocked from Chrome and Internet Explorer. Im not sure why this is?

    because, its not really a popup is it? - it just opens a new window. Im confused

    I don't know if its to late. But i found a solution for popup problems. Changing the core of the plugin, all function will work without blocking of the popups. Stay tuned.

  • Cranberry linked me to your share plugin, which I hadn't seen. Would that work? I'm assuming because you linked me to cranberry it won't work, but I don't see any reason it wouldn't, at least from your description.

    Mine cannot share pictures, cranbbery's can with modification. If you already bought cranberrygames plugin i can try to modify it to share pictures to twitter for you.

  • ShareApp: share app via SNS (facebook, twitter, google+, whatsapp, line, SMS, email)

  • Only possible way to share images on twitter via HTML is twitter api.

    For wrappers like phonegap and crosswalk is cranberrygames share plugin an option.

  • akai998 - why not try Crosswalk? It is far better.

    Crosswalk will fix this problem 100%. And is far better then phonegap. But some clients reject the huge file sizes for small games.

    It is really hard to let them believe that Construct2 is good to do those games, when you give them 20 mb of apk. Because the same game is 5 mb natively. So i use different engines for those clients that complain, because phonegap does not give bad scaling and touch problems with those engines. Would it be awesome if i used Construct2 for all my projects ? Definitely, but i know that Android 5.0 will fix those problems and file sizes will be normal again, and exporting with phonegap will be a default way for android. I hope Android 5.0 will enter the market hard and fast like ios updates.

  • Here you go.

  • It could be better designed, also yes it's hard.

  • Hi cranberrygame, 2 questions:

    1) In the documentation for your performance plugin it says about the difference in filesizes: 9.57M 7.24M

    projectname.crosswalk.arm.20141130033751_CrosswalkForAndroid.apk: 23.48M

    But when I build my project in IntelXDK I am only given the usual crosswalk.arm and crosswalk.x86 apks. What am I doing wrong?

    2) I like how C2 now exports the files so that IntelXDK is able to load the third party plugins on import, however, the admob plugin isn't loaded automatically, I have to manually add it. Is this supposed to be how it works? All plugins are imported automatically but never the AdMob one.

    WebViewPlus is for standard Android build ( phonegap ). Not for crosswalk.

  • Could be improved to post scores etc.