BerthusY's Forum Posts

  • Quite sure he means an effect for C2, since a web app that actually does this is mentioned right there in the post (ignoring previous discussion).

    Yeah effect or plugin even a behavior would be ok.

  • What do you mean exactly? You want to code that as an effect, or you need some pictures reworked this way?

    If second, I can do that...

    Need it as effect or plugin.

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  • I want to cartoonize sprites with WebGL or without WebGL, like "Effect 209".

    Demo :

    Before :


    Before :


    Contact me if you can make this happen, does not matter how.

    Regards, Ethem.

  • Could probably be done with a specific shader, but that would take some programming work.

    I'm open to paid job offers.

  • I want to cartoonize sprites with WebGL, like "Effect 209".

    How can i do that? Is it possible? Is it a lot of work and you can do it paid ? I'm open to everything, i need this.

    Demo :

    Before :


    Before :

    After :

    Regards, Ethem.

  • Well, you get a mail to change your name if you are stealing someones trademark. So don't worry about that.

  • Few days ago i made a post :

    Today i figured it out, if enough people want it. I can make a plugin of it. It does not interact with C2 until it's active again. But in the background you can do things like keeping track of seconds, like i did. Or sending ajax posts etc. Depends on your javascript skills & the possibilities.

  • Yes if the whole game is running in background it can drain the users battery. But is it not possible in construct2, to do certain functions in background ?

  • Ashley is it not possible to run Construct2 games in background ?

  • How do I run the game in background - crosswalk? It's made to count while the user can do different stuff. But when the Android phone is minimized the game, it stops counting. So i made a plugin to run crosswalk in background : ... background

    But still negative results, what am i doing wrong ?

    Plugin & CAPX :

    APK Demo :

  • It's interesting how quickly we got from "What features would you like in the next construct?" to "Is C2 cancelled?!"

    I imagine that's how stock markets work.

    C2 canceled C1, so it's a very good question. The path of Scirra team was always, improve what we got in our hand.

    If Ashley mentions C3, there must be huge plans for it, not the updates we get every time, but really a huge change. A change like that with a small team like Scirra can cancel C2 very easily. So a detailed information blog post. Is a must have for the community. We want to know the ideas of the team. Like will C3 be back compatible with C2 etc.

  • Cool, I'm ultra excited about C3. But where did Ashley say this ?

    Ashley can you post a blog about your plans in 2015. Are you guys sure about C3, it's hard to start everything from zero. Will this cancel the C2 or will it be huge upgrade for C2. Is the direction still HTML5 or did you guys change your idea about it. A blog post would be awesome. .

    Regards, Ethem Acar.

  • It's your graphics driver, or your settings. Check your settings. Is the windows screen zoomed in etc.

  • Nice job, graphics can be improved. Not the level graphics or characters but the buttons and smileys etc. Darker theme would be better.

  • Working on this platformer game.