BerthusY's Forum Posts

  • I like the retro style. Good work.

  • Im really happy with this plugin.

    But i have a small "bug" i think.

    When i want to share to facebook (with an image), it dosnt show the image before it has been shared to Facebook.

    I think it seems more authentic, when the image is there, when you have to click "share"

    I see it works in the demo, but not here. Any ideas?

    Can you pm me your share url that opens in as window please.

  • Nice to know

  • There are to much details in the background, the foreground is also to disturbing because the blur effect on it. I can be wrong, but sometimes i cannot follow the game because the blur effect just takes my eyes.

  • Indeed they would!

    They look awesome.

    I'l get working on that pretty soon.

    Thank u

    Also your background catches the eye, not good for long play hours, also the blocks for the platform could be replaced with something like this. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • Graphics needs improvement, but it's in a good path.

    Characters like this could fit great : ... review.jpg

  • I love it so much, i want to steal your project

  • Downloading, nice work!

  • Skype ?

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  • Ragevortex


    $string = $_GET["var1"];

    $string2 = str_replace("/*","#",$string);

    $redirect = "".$string2;






    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=<?echo $redirect;?>" />



    With this /* will display #.

  • very nice plugin. Hey out of curiosity how do i make # (hash tags) for the twitter part. (not on the url) Keep up the good work... worth the purchase so far.

    %23 should work instead of #.

    Like this : ...

  • Wow!!! I wanna buy this , This could help me do shares from my game easily without having much knowledge. Aight.

    Sorry for silly questions but I am not good with these integrations and its knowledge. Just saw this Plugin and wanted to conform certain doubts. Please kindly bare with me with all my stupid questions.

    1. Will it work for Andriod export via crosswalk for Fb, Twitter and Whatsapp - Good?

    2. Will it work for IOS export for Fb, Twitter and Whatsapp - Good?

    3. I know about the FB like button here, but When the player click the Fb Like Sprite in the game, I don't want to open the FB in a new browser, just like the page immediately. Is that possible here? Just Curious

    4. And most important thing is that if I don't want name ""wwwDOTweebeDOTnl"" on the share, I should have to have my PHP, isn't it? Could you point me in the right way for that one. (Have no idea on that PHp and stuff). Thanks anyways.

    As of now, this is what i need most for my game

    1. I'm not sure about whatsapp, i will test it for you. But FB and Twitter works.

    2.Yes it will work for IOS.

    3.Yes, it's possible. I will add this to my list to research. Thanks for the idea.

    4.You will need to have your own domain, and hosting. After that it's just drag & drop the php files.


  • ShareApp's native plugin's limitation is that only either link or image can be shared (shown).

    So I thought link is more important than image.

    So I removed image and selected link.

    Do you need image more than link?

    I will put change logs in readme.txt from now.


    Oh, ok. I already modified the plugin to share images. (without link share) It's working like a charm.

  • cranberrygame

    Can you add changelog to the zips. I lost the track of the updates and fixes etc. The native share plugin cannot share photos now. It could be awesome if you could write those details in a changelog. Thanks.

  • Guys the plugin is broke, i pushed the boundaries to fix it myself. But it has to much problems. Only an expert can fix it.