Basilboy's Forum Posts

  • Your math did the trick, thank you so much!

  • I have an object with an instance variable simAngle, and then I want to always set the angle of the object to that instance variable. Basically instead of rotating things by the object I want to rotate things through the instance variable and then the object sets its angle as the instance variable.

    How would I simulate rotating an object towards an angle by X degrees through instance variables with math?

    I have something close but the problem is that it won't take the shortest rotation, it will rotate the longest way possible. Is there a formula for this?

  • Hello everyone, I am proud to present some gameplay of my latest project. This game takes inspiration from Sega's Afterburner series, specifically Afterburner Climax.

    There is still a lot to be done, like actual levels and boss fights, but this has been more of a passion project more than anything and to see the limits of Construct 2. This took about 8 months to make.

    Seems like the only limit is memory. With so many frames for the jets the memory use is currently sitting at 338 mb with downscaling set to low quality. CPU usage stays between 21% and 30% for the most part, but once there are a lot of objects on screen it will peak up to 49%. So continuing to add more to make it into a full fledged game seems risky.

    Here it is!

    In the future I would like to put this on the arcade for all to play, I just need to add an in-game tutorial first. I stopped working on this project a few months ago and my interests have gone elsewhere into a new project. Please enjoy, and thank you for looking!

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  • Hello, this is a project of mine that I had been working on for quite some time. I abandoned it after a loss of interest, and too many ideas colliding with each other. I still want to show the world though how powerful Construct 2 is.

    The game was meant to be a starfox style game with ideas borrowed from Top Gun on NES and World of Warcraft. Weird, I know!

    This was a very ambitious project with the main scope of it being pseudo 3d. But for new players it was too hard to control and understand. So I want to create something new.

    But here some screenshots:

    As well as gameplay footage:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Thank you!

  • I use Construct 2 tho. Does it still apply?

  • HTML5 games needs to be hosted online though.

    You do not provide the users with the HTML5 folder, you host that folder online and have them visit the URL at least once from their browser.

    Once it is done, the content is downloaded and the game can be accessed back, even offline.

    Otherwise, you export your game for mobile as instructed :

    Does it really? Even if the project has over 100mb+ of stuff?

    Is there no limit to how much it can cache from the game?

  • Hello all. I am currently working on a project, and when it’s finished I plan to export it through NW.JS for PC and html5 for everything else. Maybe even the scirra arcade if people like it enough.

    I’m wondering if users with android devices are able to download the folder that gets exported from the html5 export option and play the game offline directly from their device without need of internet connection.

    Since iOS users can’t exactly store folders or transfer such files (without jailbreaking anyway), I remember having to use Dropbox to save the bookmark of the index.html to play the games offline, but it never seemed to TRULY offline.

    So yeah, just want to know if it’s possible. I’ve never owned an android device, but I figured if the user downloads the html5 folder with everything inside and transfer them to an sd card, if it’s possible for them to play the game through their device without requiring an internet connection. That would be ideal. Thank you!

  • The Gpd xD is a an android device with a clamshell design like the 3ds xl with Dual analog controls, shoulder buttons and a nice display on the top.

    Since it also functions as an android tablet capable of running html5, what would a game created in construct 2 need to have in order to be played using the physical controls on the device? I've seen something like a 'game pad' object of some sort in construct 2 before but I never dabbled in it.

  • Is it possible to create an internal clock that will keep track of time even if the game is not being played?

    Animal crossing for GameCube does this, and even games as primitive as Pokemon gold/silver kept time although I never found out how it worked. Can this be done without plugins?

  • Hello, can someone explain how to achieve this kind of effect in construct 2? I've tried experimenting with blend modes on layers and sprites but I don't know how to do what I want in this picture. Thanks!

  • The best solution is not having all characters in one place.

    You can have as many layouts as you like, noone including the machines care if some of those are duplicates.

    I do have a layout that just contains every object that gets spawned by events, so all the fighters are in this layout however this layout isn't ever to be accessed unless ran through a preview.

  • Have you already exported with CocoonJS and tested your game to see what happens?

    Yes, and surprisingly it loads almost immediately and without any issues, so really the only problem here are preview times.

  • **UPDATE**

    It actually loads perfectly when exported and runs at a solid framerate when exported to my ipod touch. So really the question now is, what is the most efficient way to preview a project that has a lot of sprites? Or any way to decrease preview times?

    This thread is meant for those that have huuuuuuge projects and I want to get insight on how they deal with preview times. Like i'm talking, HUGE projects.

    I've been working on this project for a good two months now, it's a fighting game.

    Ultimately that means several, SEVERAL sprites. I wanted to get all the fighter's images complete before I proceeded in doing anything else in construct 2 to see if it can even handle them. As I added them, the preview times became worse and worse.

    When I finally completed importing every character's sprites, the preview time was unbearable, but it still worked.

    Now, today, I started doing the stages. Before then I had one stage, but today I completed two. After I finished this second stage and previewed, it finally happened. I now get a red loading bar and it always hangs at 97%. I hear the fans of my computer going off and then shortly after it gets to 97%, they stop, which I assume says that its not even going to bother to finish loading whatever the remaining 3% is.

    Now, I CAN refresh it and it will eventually load normally, but the atrocious load time is still there.

    I don't have an exact count of how many images I have, but when I copied my project folder and pasted it somewhere else, it said copying 7,095 items.....yyyeaahh....

    I don't want to give anyone a link to the files to try and test it themselves because I simply do not trust anybody and don't want anyone stealing what I have soaked numerous hours in (55 hours for the fighters alone). I don't want to show it yet because I want it to be a surprise too.

    What i've come up with is that I'm going to have two project folders, Engine, and then STAGE TESTING. In the stage testing capx, I've deleted every fighter besides one, and now the load time is obviously much better and I can test stages faster and then paste the new code from the stage testing to the original engine capx.

    Is there anyway that I can have it so that instead of loading everything at once, I can load things only when I call for them? Like going from a main menu then to somewhere else it goes to a loading screen?

    Better question is there just anything I can do to prevent a red preview bar?

    My project is designed to work for mobile devices, specifically the Ipod Touch 6th generation (1136 x 640) with its 64bit processor, but with this kind of preview load time I feel like i'm going to be end everything real soon if it won't load on a cocoonjs export. Thanks for reading, very frustrated, very upset, already punched a hole in a wall i'm dead serious. Help if you can, I know I probably won't get much help when i'm not offering any links to my project but hey, how can you blame me with something this big.

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  • First let me explain the idea

    In my project, at all times there are two walls and a floor. One wall always at the very left of the screen and one wall at the very right and the floor of course on the bottom. The player is a platform object and is supposed to behave as it should with these solid objects.

    The player has a weapon, and can lose it after being hit a certain amount of times. When he's disarmed, he spawns an invisible platform object with the weapon visual pinned to it, and this platform object is supposed to go off screen, but it's capable of bouncing on the floor. (How it works is the platform jumps as its spawned and then when it lands it jumps again to simulate bouncing. The platform is supposed to make it appear like the weapon is being hit away from the player, as the weapon is always going left or right depending on the trajectory of the player)

    So the issue is simply that the weapon is supposed to ignore the walls to go off screen but interact with the floor to simulate the bounce. Please help!