Barri167's Forum Posts

  • Both of those errors happen regularly for me. Next time the images switch around I'll make sure to send up the example.

    As for the copied events pasting... well anywhere they want to choose to I can't seem to pin down a source. Sometimes it goes haywire, others it works as expected.

  • I'm making a question dump thread because I've gotten tired of make a new thread for each question I have.

    Okay so question 1: In this cap file, Why does putting my cursor in the edit box make my custom buttons not work?

  • Thanks Ashley!

  • Surely. Here you go.

    The error only happens if the txt file already exists. When it doesn't exist no file is created from the program.

  • Could someone post an example of how to save a file with the contents of the listbox and how to load those contents back up on start? No matter what I do I keep getting this error: "Disk full while accessing C:\Documents and Settings\Tom Foolery\Desktop\cheese.txt."

  • This is really cool and extremely well done, I like it a lot.

    I do have a question though, may I see how you did the AI? I can't wrap my head around how to do them half as well as you have them.

  • 17 now. 18 in a week.

  • The link is down because he made this

    Which is loads better.

  • The buttons with the misaligned "click area's" are my own sprites I created which is a bug that I THINK is unreported and possibly one that effects me only which is the point of this thread.

    And I'd use my own graphics instead of windows controls but I have no idea how I'd make a list box without the window control. Any suggestions?

  • Can someone at least confirm if they have those problems too? I'd like too add these to the bug tracker if they're bugs common to everyone and just not my ****** ordering of events.

  • My first problem is one I've asked about before but never got around to posting the .cap file, so I never got an answer. The problem is that the buttons I've made (start game and options) visually look fine. However the area where you can actually click on the button becomes skewed.

    I've highlighted the problem picture here:

    <img src="">

    The red area I have highlighted is where the mouse can actually click. The button however is positioned as it should be visually.

    The second problem I encounter is that when I put my cap on full screen all of the list boxes and buttons on the OPTIONS menu disappear.

    Are these errors exclusive to myself? Or is it something that I am doing incorrectly? If these are errors I'll report them on the bug tracker post haste.

    These problems can be viewed in my .cap here.

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  • Why does the list object not appear in fullscreen? Is there some setting I can change? Or is this a bug?

    Same goes for system buttons for that matter.

  • Oh hell no. I'd never take the engine. I just would like to use the blob effect and I plan on simplifying your cubic bezier if possible so that people can actually read it and see what's happening.

  • Awesome stuff!

    Two questions though:

    Are we allowed to use the same way you make the blobber to do something entirely different?


    Is your bezier curve quadratic or cubic?

  • Hope it heals up soon (and well.)