Barri167's Forum Posts

  • Oh **** me senseless... I uploaded the wrong cap file. I'll upload the correct one tomorrow.

    I'm such a bonehead.

  • Place your mouse pointer's tip on or below the blue line when in 1280x1024. Does the button change states?

    <img src="">

  • Clearly I have no been as descriptive as I should be.

    Okay, here goes: On the picture I have highlighted what counts as the actual area you can click the button. The graphic however is moved out of the area that you can actually click the button.

    If you start from the bottom of the button on the highest screen setting it doesn't show itself as being "rolled over" until you are at least half way up the button as the red box shows.

  • I wanted to know if it happened to other people when they ran the .cap file so that I don't report a bug that is exclusive to myself only. Ergo I wanted people to download and see.

    And I blurred out the window because it was a chat window where someone's username was displayed.

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  • Nobody else has this problem?

  • <img src="">

    The above picture is the positioning within the layout.

    <img src="">

    This picture is from when the screen is resized to 1280x1024.

    The skew becomes more drastic the larger I make the screen.

    Does this happen for everyone else on this cap?

    As an additional error, if you click on the OK button and try to click on the custom button, it just won't happen.

    Also, why is there no repositioning of stock buttons?

  • There are a few things wrong with this cap that I have yet to identify.

    First off when the screen size changes my buttons become skewed and sometimes so much so that you can't click on them.

    Fullscreen doesn't seem to work and when I do use it my list boxes disappear.

    Any insight to this problem would be appreciated. if any pictures are required to better help diagnose the problem please say so.

  • This is exactly what I've been trying to do. Only I've been attempting to use arrays and have one for each different type of object. So far I've failed epically and doing this.

  • What does setting a space on the index to "sprite", do?

  • What I'm attempting to do in this cap is save the location of every sprite instance and load it back in when a user returns to the layout.

    So far I have been able to do this with only one instance when I was using a slightly different structure and I can't figure out why I cannot do it with more than one.

    I must be missing something to have had it half working so any help is appreciated. I tried my best to explain my methods in the cap file itself. Thanks for your time!

  • sqrt((Sprite.X-Sprite2.X)^2+(Sprite.Y-Sprite2.Y)^2)

    You forked up a bit there.

  • I think the raw cap files should be added to the downloads so that regular users can see how some effects are done and new users can start to learn and make things look decent.

  • I can't figure out why my bird sprite isn't playing the animations for each instance or why it isn't playing properly. If anyone could help me out I'd be very grateful.

    The events for the bird are on the EnemyE eventsheet.

  • I caught a runtime error. To recreate the bug open the Inventory Layout and attempt to run ONLY that layout. From my tests this should result in a runtime error every time. If this is not the case for everyone I'll post my specs.

  • I figured I'd share this because it took me quiet a few tries to accomplish. What this is, is a custom movement event sheet that has 4 visual directions (meaning the player only faces 4 directions) and 8 vector directions (meaning the player can move in 8 directions).

    My biggest battle with all of this was I kept running into 2 errors. 1 part my fault for doing weird things with the player angles and when to play certain anims or not. The other part however is a construct bug that I bypassed using private variables.

    Some of you may have run into this bug, some of you may not have. However the problem is that when you include an event sheet into another event sheet all the keyboard inputs that you put into the first event sheet do not work on the event sheet you included into.

    Any who, I just figured I'd share this in case anyone else was looking into putting together a game that is like this and was having problems. Right now the code is uncommented but eventually I'll fix that when I have more done. If you have any questions/comments/things I could do better or more efficiently please let me know.