BadMario's Forum Posts

  • Semi decent, you can use solids ( if you are not using them already ). just add solid behavior to cars then play with settings ( density, etc )

    to get the right bounce on collisions. It will not always look right, but it will be semi decent as you say and definitely playable.

    For really nice car collisions I am afraid you will need a lot more work and is not recommended.

  • I ran into a no sound issue when importing a Construct 2 project and exporting with advanced minify setting.

    Same project exported with simple minify setting works fine.

    Previews worked fine, only after uploading to a site discovered that there was no sound.

    This seems to be a bug. Possible workaround, re-import sounds and let Construct 3 convert ( did not try it ).

    Your case may be different, but try minify/simple setting

  • I still develop in Construct 2 and use Construct 3 to import and then export the final version, although for most games I could just export from Construct 2.

    I am not seeing any performance improvement. If a game stutters in Construct 2 it will stutter or slow down in Construct 3 as well. But some minor issues on some phones with physics are not present in Construct 3

    Many additional features in Construct 3 which may make your development easier. I'd already had most or all of those figured out in Construct 2 with events so I stick with version 2 for now.

    There is also the APK build service in Construct 3

    I do not use any 3rd party plugins, so I can usually import Construct 2 files without problems. I did have some issues a while back, but found workarounds.

  • You are right, full screen works on my laptop, but on an older Samsung Galaxy it does not ( works if I disable worker mode ) and I had those performance issues on that same phone.

    Normally all games work fine on that same phone, so not sure what it could be.

    If this really is such an outlier of a case that is good news, but I am not feeling too confident between this and those webview issues.

    Chrome has 69% of the market share

    So what happens to the other 31% that try to play a game exported with worker mode ON?

    Also of that 69% using Chrome how many are using old versions which do not support worker mode?

    Does the game simply not take advantage of that and plays as it would if exported without worker mode ( doubtful from my experience ), or does it go wonky?

  • Fullscreen mode only working on HTTPS is nothing to do with worker mode. Many browser features require secure hosting now, including fullscreen mode, regardless of worker mode.

    Well, full screen mode does not work with worker mode on, if I disable it, full screen works. Same device, soobviously it has something to do with worker mode.

    As for performance. Game works normally without worker mode, with worker mode on crawls at 2 FPS.

    Issue was 20 sprites on top of each other. Changing that fixed it, but it did not need to be fixed without worker mode on, game worked fine even with those 20 sprites on top of each other.

    I know this has something to do with devices in question, but between this and complaints about webview I think things are not as fine as they may seem. Let's say you make a soccer game, and soccer is popular in South America. You are gonna have a disproportionately large number of players with low end and very old devices. Even in the US, I have friends who cannot test my game because of these things and their phones are about 2 years old.

  • I did read the blog/article and even from that I concluded that it only really works in Chrome which is already questionable since may people do not use chrome.

    Even in Chrome on android it makes some games completely unplayable ( 2 FPS ), games that with web worker disabled run just fine. A few phones tested, some lower end and Samsung Galaxy

    Jank issue benefits, not seeing it. Exporting games with web worker mode on. jank is still there where there was there previously ( desktop and android )

    With web worker mode on, full screen only seems to work over https, some other things also do not work, so that is another annoyance.

    Am I missing something here? I just don't see the benefit of this right now. Exporting with web worker mode on will possibly make it unplayable for 50% of the population

  • Try disabling workers in settings

    I've had an issue of game not running on a Samsung Galaxy with workers enabled, ran fine with workers disabled

  • I had a similar thing happen yesterday and earlier today.

    First of all after updating to the latest NWjs the desktop version does not work at all for me, . Trying to load a file, I get a white rectangle on top of the interface and just sits there.

    Then browser version started getting stuck at loading 99% or sometimes 80%

    Tried many files/projects, same thing so it is not the projects, besides everything worked perfectly fine until this NWjs update

    I solved the issue with browser version by clearing everything from chrome cache, desktop version does not work currently.

    All my projects are Construct 2, but I use exporters from Construct 3 and I use absolutely no plugins/addons. Only what's already in there.

  • You can make your own keyboard in less than 30 minutes, just need a sprite with each character as a frame in that sprite and some events. Use sprite font to display text on screen.

    Then you don't have to depend on other nonsense which may change with every update. Your keyboard is part of your game and you can control what it does and how it behaves

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Create your own keyboard in the game and no need to worry about any of this

  • Every time I upload a new version I delete all files and then upload new ones.

    Because newer version may have differently organized sprite sheets, I guess, while naming remains the same, you may get cached files shown instead of new ones and they don't fit the newly exported version.

    Basically you have something like shared sheet 0 in your export, but now it contains different images, so it looks like nonsense.

    This happens even when not dealing with cached files. I guess game code may point to images on that sprite sheet and if you only upload new script files ( after a minor change ), or try to rewrite files, they still may come out wrong.

    Therefore nuke everything, then upload a new version.

    Not much you can do for people who already have the game and get served rong cached files ( other than tell them to empty their cache )

  • Bear in mind as Ashley has mentioned, there are no guarantees that standalone desktop apps will continue to work in perpetuity. This might of been more true a decade ago but software is a lot more sophisticated now and Windows/Graphics driver updates can easily break the functionality of software

    It's still true. Even if updates break something, you roll them back or keep one PC with older versions of windows and drivers just in case. Besides nobody serious about their work just updates windows or drivers on their main workstation before making sure it won't break things.

  • Have 3 arrays instead

    One with DF, another with MF and third with attackers,

    Then another array with the final team

    Keepers should always be the first ( 0 ) in the array

    So when you choose for example a 4-3-3 formation fill the next 4 spots in this final team array with values from DF array, next 3 spots with 3 values from MF array and final 3 spots with 3 guys from AT array.

  • There is one important difference here.

    With non subscription software you actually can use it forever regardless of what windows updates do.

    For example I still have a laptop with Softimage running windows 7 on it and as long as that laptop works it will continue to work even though Autodesk killed it off in 2015.

    With their current model I believe you'd be out of luck. You want to use Maya or 3ds max? you have to keep paying forever if you want to use it

    I guess that would be the difference between Construct 2 and 3.

  • Since soccer jersey numbers usually go from GK 1, defenders 2,3,4 and so on, wouldn't just sorting that do the trick anyway?

    I mean, since GK is #1 he will always be on top and defenders are usually wearing 2,3,4, so would be next in line