Apparently Godot ***** balls on Android, and just seen the price of the mobile exporters for GMS2. May have a play with Unity. If my driver is blacklisted on APK I will see the same problems....if not..........
Are you sure that Godot ***** ball on Android? Because I have rarely heard anyone about poor 2d performance in Godot (infact many strongly suggest Godot for 2d games)
But it is not a no-code game engine either
And did you tested the apk in other mobiles? If no then please do it. In my case game never works on Samsung galaxy S5. And it was having everything. And including Panasonic eleuga A2 through which I am posting this post (in both mobiles game was running smoothly on chrome but apk simply pissed off)
Your argument that "if that big game works on my mobile then my construct game must also work on my mobile" is invalid. There is huge difference between native and wrap
And regarding distribution of apk file for testing,the only issue which I see is that someone may copy the mechanism and launch his/her game before you. But otherwise there are no such issues. It is almost impossible to reverse engineer the source code from apk file. Assets can still be stolen even after you launch the game on store and mechanism can(and will be if your game succeds on store) be copied and used by any other developer
Again repeating, please test the apk on other mobile also
Best of luck