BadMario's Forum Posts

  • Since you can type javascript code directly in Construct 3, shouldn't we be able to just use Google sample code and make it work.

    Just asking, haven't actually tried it, but it sounds like it should work

  • You don't

    Instead add extra point/points where you would want this polygon, then create a simple square sprite and attach to this point/points. You can check for collisions against those

  • I did not use offensive language,

    That phrase is not scheduled to become offensive until summer 2022

  • Why is everybody so full of **** ( I don't mean people posting here, but google, people writing these laws and people obsessing over it )

    A simple text saying clicking on a play button you consent to ( insert ad consent requirements text )

    Perfectly legal and enough. There is no need for ******** SDK and this and that.

    Every time you install any app is asks for permission to use your camera, microphone and all kinds of crap, and you can choose to install or not. Clicking a simple play button in a game, with ad consent text next to it ( or a pop up ) is exactly the same thing.

    You can choose to play or not

    People coming up with these laws have no ^%$&^ing idea what they are talking about and Google has even less of an idea of how to handle it.

    Admin note: please don't use offensive language as per the forum & community guidelines

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Anybody knows what the situation is with I have read so many complaints about them from developers, then last year they bought Spil games which was great to work with. So if all the stuff about them was true it sounds like the worst portal possible bought one of the best portals and now WTF kind of.....

    Anyway, they seem to get your games spread around, but they do not allow outgoing links nor branding, so if it's true that they do not pay on time or at all, then what's the point. You get no money, no traffic and nobody even knows it's your game.

    They have admitted being late with payments and other errors on their part, so it's obviously not just a few grumpy developers complaining. Something was definitely fishy there.

    Have they gotten better this year?

    Poki you mention, Crazy Games and GameMonetize have good reputation as far as I know, but with Crazy games also no branding and you only get paid if your game is exclusive to their site ( or something like that )

    New Grounds is still there, although it seems to be going further and further into the adult anime/game territory.

  • Add an array with a width of 30 and a variable number

    for start index 0, endindex 29

    number = int(random(loopindex))

    Set Array.At(loopindex) to number

    far greater chance of filling the array with lower numbers, and 30 may come up only once, probably not at all.

    Then you would just pick a random number from this array

    Probably quicker than advanced random plugin which I have never needed, but depending on your needs which are not 100% clear you may be better off with the plugin

    a single action like choose (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1,1,2) can do the job too In that example 1 has a 50% chance of coming up, 3 has only 10% chance

  • When they become invisible move them off screen, -5555 Y or something so there is no way to click them. When they need to be visible move them back to where they are supposed to be.

    For this you will probably need to add them to a family so you can just move the whole thing out of the way MenuFamily > set Y > Self.Y -5555 and Self.Y + 5555 before making them visible. Should work

  • I always use HD 1920 x 1080 backgrounds, then scroll to 960,540 at start of layout so it is exactly in the middle of that 1920x1080 area, so if a game is in landscape mode and game widow set to 960 x 540 or 800 x 450 ( both 16:9 ratios ) there is plenty of stuff on all sides, so no bars will show.

    Works in portrait mode too, so if your game window is 450 x 800 you have 140 pixels of background on top and bottom. If you need more just adjust your background to cover more.

    If you do not use one large background image, then just fill it with some objects which I believe is what dop2000 is saying.

    Use scale outer of course and you have to put all your stuff in the middle since you are scrolling to 960,540, you can draw a rectangle the size of your game window and place it at the bottom layer at 960,540 position as a guide

  • Then a server cache problem possibly.

    I have encounterd this before, but since then I always delete everything and upload new files, have not had the problem since.

  • Export a new version, delete everything in the old folder, then upload the new version to that old folder.

    Now if you empty your browser cache and go to play it, it should all be normal. Unfortunately everybody else who has visited the site recently may continue to experience the same issue until they delete their browser cache or until it just goes away on its own ( after a few days browser may stop showing cached images and show the updated version, this would depend on various settings I guess that you have no control over )

    I am pretty sure this is caused by messed up sprite sheets. Script is pointing to a sprite sheet that looks different from the same named sprite sheet that exists in your cache, so you get a different/incorrect image displayed. Each export may produce different sprite sheets, but they will have same names

  • create variable shotRate

    then system action every shotRate seconds create bullet at whatever x,y

    Then you can change shot Rate variable to fire bullets at a slower or faster rate

  • Construct 3 export index.html is different than Construct 2's and seems that there is stuff in some script file that does resizing. Maybe Ashley can advise on how to accomplish this.

    Anyway, when you view HTML5 exported game it will resize smoothly as you resize browser window. How to do this when the game is embedded within an iFrame ( now you are resizing the page that contains the iFrame ). For mobiles this seems like a necessary thing.

    I have found a few different solutions, but there are problems with each, like often it will resize when you make your window bigger, but will stay that way if you flip the phone, or won't resize back. I have noticed this a few times even when viewing games on iPhones normally ( not iFramed )

  • Sounds like you could just make another copy of your loop and rename it then import into construct as a new file, so it will not look like an identical track ( It is, but construct doesn't know that if you rename it, does it? ).

    I just noticed you mention that at the end of your post. Anyway, doesn't seem like a big deal really unless files are huge and file size is of concern.

  • You are looking at it the wrong way. Use car behavior

    Then create a sprite ( just a simple colored rectangle ) with an instance variable called position ( or whatever ), copy it maybe 10 times and place around the track

    set instance variable of each sprite 0-10.

    Give your car instance var called position too. set it to 0

    Then use events to set angle of your car toward sprite with instance variable position that matches same named instance variable of the car which will be 0, and simulate car behavior accleration

    once it reaches that one add 1 to car's instance variable, so now the car will turn towards the sprite with position variable 1, and so on.

    That is the general idea, then tweak to make it nicer

  • It does make sense. Calculator and modulo here are different things. In other words 1000%50 in Construct is 0 because you can divide 1000 by 50 exactly ( 20 times ), nothing is left over.

    Calculsting a percentage is a completely different thing. Unfortunately the symbol is the same so I can see how it can be confusing.

    (1000*50)/100 is something you can use to get the right percentage ( 50 there would be percentage you want to calculate, 1000 is you max value, percentage of which you want to figure out.