BadMario's Forum Posts

  • If the crates are immovable make them a single long sprite instead of separate crates ( In photoshop or some other program copy and paste crates into a row until it looks exactly the same as it does in your game, then export that single png.

    You will have just one collision polygon instead of many smaller ones. I think what is happenning in your game is that your object hits crate edges and that causes it to lose speed. With one single polygon this should be eliminated

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    Looks like you are fine with a personal license until you make over $50,000 a year

  • Import step sound ( single short step )

    If animation walking is playing and frame 6 is playing trigger step sound ( trigger once while true )

    I say frame 6 as an example where foot makes contact with ground at frame 6.

    So trigger sound once on each frame where foot makes contact with the ground

  • The easiest way is to have your object split into a few sections, then when a hit occurs, destroy that section and create a number of fragments with physics behavior.

    Play around with settings, impulse to make it fly around a bit if necessary.

    you could also have these fragments pre-created and set to invisible and with disabled physics, then on impact make visible and enable physics

  • Can you export it from Construct 3 using runtime 2 and see if that works.

    Problem could simply be that your phone plays better with version 2 because of some browser/driver issues with newer Construct runtime. Also try to disable web worker before export ( That one causes a lot of problems )

  • As I have mentioned in a couple of other threads about this, your best bet is to create your own keyboard in Construct and not to use android's or ios keyboard at all. Problem solved.

    If you need just basic text input it can be done in a couple of hours ( I did it ). If you need all the copy/paste, text select features, it will take longer, but once you do this you have your own keyboard that you can use in any game.

  • that part should be 1 - any number less than 1

    1 - 0.9 will be very slow

    1- 0.001 will be very fast

    so 1 - 0.1^dt only change 0.1 part to adjust lerp speed

    has to be ^ not *

  • When using lerp it should be lerp(Self.BulletSpeed,600,1-0.1^dt)

    change the 0.1 part to adjust speed of change , 0.001 for example will make it faster

    And yes, as the post above says line 79 should be rotate 200*dt degrees and since you are using delta time instead of 200 it should be a much higher number, try 10000*dt or more and see what works best

  • No, it is a basic type text/numbers and erase/backspace because it did not need anything else.

    But if you want to spend more than 2 hours on it there probably is a way to do all the other stuff

    The problem with Scirra "fixing" this issue is that Apple will unfix it as soon as they get a chance. That is why having a custom keyboard in the actual game is by far the best solution. If you really need copy/past and all that I'm sure it can be done

  • I ran into this a couple of years ago. I decided to just create my own keyboard in construct and use that instead of relying on iPhone's keyboard. Apple doesn't care how well anything works if it's not their own app, they constantly break things with updates. like they have chimps testing these things.

    So whenever possible do everything yourself. It is not that hard to design your own keyboard and once you do you can use it in every game. Less that 2 hours of work for everything, including graphics.

    You may find a solution for it today, but pretty guaranteed that they will break it tomorrow

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  • That's one of those kinda works a little better solutions I mantioned, but not really a solution.

    I would personally design the game so you don't have a situation where you have to worry about it, but that may require using something other than line of sight behavior to go after your character.

  • That is a tough one even for teams of professionals. It may be easier to design the game around this and avoid or at least minimize the chance of enemies overlapping each other.

    If you decide to tackle the problem be prepared to spend a lot of time on it. There are faster solutions, but they will not work 1/2 the time

  • I do it like this:

    have a global var. strikes

    Create a sprite with 4 animation frames, set frame rate to 0 call it xxx

    first frame is empty square, second frame ( frame 1 ) is a single X, then 2 xs, and last frame 3 xs

    Then all you need to do is one line xxx.Set Animation Frame to strikes

  • But there still isn't reload images feature ( which Construct 2 can do ). Or I can't find it

    Is this some limitation of being a browser based app, or what?