Consider a race track that has two parallel lanes and then a semi circle on each side.
Something like this: gettingoutofthegate.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Saratoga-Main-Track.jpg but for vehicles.
now consider an object at the far end of a parallel lane, and a vehicle driving to that object.
Once the vehicle arrives at the object, it should travel around the half circle, say, to an object located at the end of the half circle, to then continue on the other parallel path in the opposite direction.
It appears that the orbit behavior doesn't work for this because once activated it repositions the vehicle, arbitrarily, to a new position on the circle (South-East) while, i need to continue moving the vehicle smoothly into the half circle.
Is there a way to solve it.
p.s. i programmed my own circle routine, but its very cumbersome to use -- for example, it repositions the x/y of the vehicle at every tick -- if i want to adjust the speed, then i have to work with second rations per tick, and "calibrate" these to fit with speed settings typically elsewhere.
If there is a predefined solution that would be great.
around the center of the half circle