b3698c8d-4435-424b-985b-f45a63412709's Forum Posts

  • Light/shadow test #2

  • Light/shadow test #1

  • Like how its going.

    It would be easier to read if characters were colour coded so you had a better view of who is going where. Or numbers over the head of the characters, so you always knew wich key to press for each char.

    If you need some help with sprites, textures, or whatever, I´m willing to help. This is my deviantart gallery:


    It will be more visual intuative when the project gets further ahead, only spend 2 days or less on in, in total. And it´s only a hobby of mine.

    Thanks for your suggestion, but no thanks. Im not gonna need graphics.

  • I cant seem to get anyone or anything to move ??

    To select a unit press key numbers: 1 to 5 (this will PAUSE the game)

    After a unit is selected, left mouse to set a waypoint and right mouse to set their angle.

    After doing this press SPACE (this will UNPAUSE the game)

  • Story:

    The intel gathered, points towards a big research facility on the outskirts of "Lubbeek" where various experiments and weapon research are being conducted, not much information about the weapon research are known but there are whispers about a fire-breathing weapon, and mechanical walking tanks, these kind of weapons could have a devastating effect to the overall war effort, and the fact that all attempts to infiltrate the facility have failed, makes it the highest priority in the war effort, and have been given the codeword "Cataclysm"

    Your team will be send behind enemy lines to infiltrate and do what ever is necessary to destroy this facility, and make it out will all the intel you can gather while seizing all the weapons you can find so we can either dismantle them or used them against our enemy.

    Your team have been fully equipped with the best weapons and utility for this mission, but ammo will be limited once behind the enemy lines and it will therefore be of the utmost importance that you learn to use the weapons of the enemy, do what ever you have to out there!

    Commander "Duke" this is the unit that you have handpicked for this mission.

    ** Cut scene showing the units and their abilities**

    We know you are more then capable of commanding your unit, but we have prepared a crash course in some of the standard functions and strategies used by the infiltration units, do you need to go through the crash course or do you feel ready to win this war?

    ** Chose tutorial or straight to the game**



    This will be the standard gameplay, where you select and move your units forward in a more fast paced action, there will be limited commands to chose from since the focus will not be on the tactical side until you chose it.

    This gamemode is also used for picking up intel, changing weapons, and various other mechanics.


    This will freeze time and you will be able to order each unit to do a set of 5 commands each, which have multi. Sub-commands are as follows:

    1. Wait for X seconds

    2. Execute when A/B/C/D are ready (when more then one unit have the same letter they go)

    3. Special commands (unit specific)

    4. Open doors etc.



    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/action-ga ... quad-23278




    Light/shadow test : https://youtu.be/MygsE1aIvfk

    DEVLOG : https://youtu.be/wBGwZhnfE5o

    DEVLOG : https://youtu.be/5FKuaenv-uk


  • Early days of development - testing unit commands and lights.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • Hey - no sorry, I lost that file some time ago

    > This might do the trick for you.


    > It compares the distance between itself and its target(s) - if they have not been hit, it will shoot.


    > If the target is hit, it will wait 5 seconds before it can be hit again.


    > Example



    > Capx

    > The Spider Turret


    can you upload again? thanks

  • About:

    I feel like that sometimes a person need many programs to set up a stream, so I wanted to create a overlay that handle much of these things, with a minimal setup up time and the possibility to change scenes based on events happening during the stream.

    I want to do this while I learn more about the usage of Construct 2. So I will be streaming parts of my development and efforts.

    Overlay features

    Scene change
    This will TRIGGER when one of the below events happens, and dont require you to interact
    In this scene the donator will be featured on the screen with NAME and AMOUNT
    In this scene the amount of FOLLOWERS the user have, will battle againt the HOST amount
    This will show the USER and will be SHOWN/HIDDEN as the scene demands
    At least 1 mini game / Voice commands / START+END+AFK events

    Change log

    • Learning about Twitch API
    • Can now READ/WRITE to chat using WEBSOCKET
    • I can now get information using API v5, on KRAKEN
    • HELIX still evades me, and it dont want to read the client_ID
  • Any new capx? or at least a link that works

  • i Will look at IT when IT get to a computer

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  • Been away for quite some time, but slowly finding my footing again and are ready to start working on this project once more - just editing my story line and thinking about where i wanna take this game.

    For now I have made a new banner for my twitter : https://twitter.com/CrudeWall

    So with a couple of days, you are gonna see a few more post around here.

  • Any new info on your game?

  • You are progressing quite well Keep up the good work.

  • Concept

    -Become the master of your own martial art.

    -Recruit young warriors and teach them the way of your dojo.

    -Challenge other dojo´s .

    -Fight for what you believe in.

    -Complete daring tasks.

    -Build and expand your dojo.


    Will be added later.


    You have to make your very own martial arts, set up moves and combo´s - learn them to perfection and teach them to members of your dojo.

    More will be added.

    Game info

    Days spend : 1