b3698c8d-4435-424b-985b-f45a63412709's Forum Posts

  • hehe sounds like a good way to do it and sounds like how I do it too. For some of it though, I use MUXY for the events, since it stores the latest follower etc. so I can keep that information and still show it next stream, but that is only because I dont know how to save all my DATA locally yet ^^

    well I will let you know if I have some luck cracking up a "better" or other way to do these things.

  • heh then you must have more experience with JSON, which mean that you also can connect with PUBSUB, which would give you the ability to LISTEN for events such as bits/donation/subs etc. even though this isnt what you were looking for precious, you might still find it interesting (if you havent read it already)


    Yeah, that's pretty much exactly how I did it. Wasn't easy figuring out a way to get it to convert to JSON so I could then pick it apart in a dictionary or an array.

  • AnD4D

    Hey :) mind showing me how you got it to read chat, more so to see how you did it compared to how I did it, could be interesting to share some ideas here ^^ we might both learn something from it.

    What I did was using the websocket:

    (websocket) connect -> url "wss://irc-ws.chat.twitch.tv/"

    (websocket) On connection open -> (websocket) send text "PASS "&MYoauth (to user or bot)

    (websocket) On connection open -> (websocket) send text "NICK "&MYnickname(or bot)

    (websocket) On connection open -> (websocket) send text "JOIN "&MYchannel (or a channel)

    then I have a way to decipher the chat and cut it up into pieces so I only show: USERNAME: MESSAGE

  • Mayfly Ive been away from c2 for quite a while, but sorry the capx isnt there anymore.

    But as I recall it was just a sprite the had object move towards you while you held down a button ^^

    sorry i cannot help more

    > CloveltOc


    > So i think i got it. I found this post about a Vacuum and at 1st look, it wasn't what i was looking for. But after dissecting it for some time.... voilà!


    > Thanks for all your help, brother.


    > Now, i still gotta work on the shields' GV and getting them to actually spawn when they're supposed to.


    > Oh yeah, thanks for that capx awesome help!

    Any chance this vacuum CAPX still exists?

    I am trying to build a magnet shield to collect coins in my game but the gravity attract / physics / 8 direction attempts I have are not interpreting the player movement enough (You fly past a coin and it struggles to catch you up correctly)

  • Hey AnD4D , ive been very busy with my new job and well life :D

    - Im sorry I dont really know how to make construct 2 read anything directly from twitch.

    - I used to get my info from text files, such as chat and make my overlay respond according to that.

    - Muxy for followers and all events (streamlabs can do the same)

    - Chatty for getting the chat into a file (used to be able to do it with restream and streamlab bot)

    I will however start working on this again and will learn more about it the following year :) hopefully more people want to learn about this so we can make it better

    This is quite interesting. I've also been looking into integrating Twitch with Construct 2. So far, I've only managed to get it to read a channel, but cannot figure out how to recognize follows or subs (beyond reading notifications in the chat).

    Are you able to share any of your ideas or methods?

  • Wow, that was fast! Pretty much like how I imagined it Maybe like targets in practice shooting or turrets or something that don't need complex AI?

    Tbh, I usually don't focus that much on the story when I play games, but sounds pretty cool, a little like metal gear? What I was thinking when I wrote gameplay loop was more like how combat would work, like in frozen synapse or XCom, or more rts like, like in starcraft 2s hero missions?

    Hehe well it currently a big focus point for me to make the WHOLE mechanic and visual looks of the [waypoint] system more complete and give the players a intuative feeling right from the start. So that are being worked on the entire week

    I never really played much metal gear tbh. But here is the current draft for gameplay:

    3 game modes :


    Free movement of your units - move + look


    Set up tactical waypoints before breaching a room


    See the tactical combat get played out on screen.

    The entire facility (where the game take place) are divided into several zones, which are guarded by a commander and taking him out will weaken the will of the remainder of his troops, that could cause the to flee to another zone and make it stronger.

    You can find schematics for weapons in the facility and maybe build them? who knows.

    Each unit will have a special command - the units are : Commander/heavy/engineer/soldier/medic

    Maybe there will even be robots you can get into and walk around? who knows.


    But yeah there are still alot more for me to figure out etc. I like it !

  • If you can nail the game play mechanics of your game, then I can see it as "Darkwood" on steroids. Your game already has the ambiance of suspense built in to it. I'm fantasizing your game as a tactical based equivalent of "Darkwood". Adding the story and exploration elements to your game and you've got yourself a winner. Yeah, I would buy it on Steam.

    Disclaimer: I am not a gaming expert and all of these are just my honest opinions. But I am loving your game so far.


    I took a look at that game, since I did not know anything about it thanks for sharing it.

    And I will prob. add more to the story etc. soon, so people know more about the direction I wanna take this game at a later stage. ^^

  • Very few games that are posted in this forum really gets me exited. Yours is one of them. Your creation has got loads of potential. Keep up the great work and I hope that you see it to completion. Good luck.

    That makes me very happy to hear always motivating when people cheer you on. I shall continue working on it slowly but steady ^^

    What about my game do you like? and what potentials do you see?

  • chrome last version,

    i tried to move the mouse, use the keyboard for moving the sprites or the lights but nothing worked so i tried too with the gamepad but nothing changed..

    Well keep in mind its a work in progress, but it still seems to me that you have not read the keys for the game, so let me just paste you the keys for the game here too. If you still cannot make it to work, then after having done what the game needs you to do, then I will just make a note of it and you can try it at a later stage in the development:


    1-5 : Select units

    [Change mode]

    Space : Changes the mode between RTS and BREACH

    [Breach Mode]

    Left mouse : Set waypoint

    Left mouse : Set angle which the unit will looks towards, while moving there and active the waypoint. (enables you to set the next waypoint)

    F : Execute set commands! (game will play out the commands you have set)

    [RTS Mode]

    Left mouse : Move selected unit to mouse

    HOLD right mouse : Selected unit will look towards the mouse

  • not working, no keyboard functions, no mouse, no gamepad....

    Im gonna take it that you did not read the instructions clearly, before posting this. But if you where more precise in your comment and included the following, then it would help me alot:

    -which browser you are using


    -Tell what actually happent when you tested the game

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  • DEVLOG 30-01-18

    -Setting waypoints and their angles now only apply to left mouse

    -Changed the units selection method, so you dont have to deselect the selected unit first.

    -Added RTS mode

    Left mouse to move

    HOLD right mouse to look towards mouse

    -Added BREACH mode

    -Added UNIT selection (visual update: shows which unit you have selected)

    -Added ACTION set for each waypoint (these will appear in the bottom screen) still needs alot more work in order to work the way I want them to.

    Test it here




  • Cool prototype

    I like the effect when you got to decide where to move the characters and in what angle its going to face.

    That said I got a little confused at first when I opened the game. I think you can do a couple of things to make it more clear like: Add numbers / colors on the side buttons for selection units. When a unit is selected make it light up or have a circle around them.

    It might also work to only use one button, to click for position and then hold and release for the rotation?

    What is the game play loop going to be like? Do you have some kind of action points and a set distant to walk?

    Hey there Risto.

    Thank you for your comment and thoughts about the project.

    Most of the things you have pointed out where fixed on today stream session and a new version will be uploaded shortly So im looking forward to you testing it out and see if it dont feel better now. So the game now includes two game modes RTS and BREACH.

    Also you now only have to use left mouse when setting waypoints+setting the angle.

    Gameplay loop will be a little more vast then that, and im currently working on the story (which have been updated today) which explains what the goal of the game will be, but more story will be added later on.

    And to answer your question regarding the action points etc. - There will not be action points in the end game, only the limit of 5 waypoints (or more) for each unit.

    I hope this answer most of your current questions - and im looking forward to hearing more from you

  • [DEVLOG]


    -Added better angle handling (when the units are moving) they look towards the end point of the RED angle setter

    -Unit selection have been slightly changed, you now have to deselect a unit before you can select another one.

    New version are uploaded to arcade :


  • This is the current [light/shadow] system, and its starting to looks awesome with all the possibilities I want it to have.

    -Flashlights for each unit

    -Various light sources (spotlights, cones and more to come)

    You can see more here : https://www.scirra.com/forum/steam-squad-tactical-breach-and-clear-top-down_t198118

  • This is the current [light/shadow] system, and its starting to looks awesome with all the possibilities I want it to have.

    -Flashlights for each unit

    -Various light sources (spotlights, cones and more to come)