Artpunk's Forum Posts

  • Zip installs for the paid version thus far. I may try one with ads...

    Which ad system would you use newt? I remember reading that Amazon has its own ad network? Would you try to make use of that?

  • Just posting a small success I had. Probably a lot of people already know about this, but i'm posting in case its useful to someone.

    TL;DR Converting sound effects from 44.1Khz to 48khz results in noticeably better audio quality for all sound effects in my game on iOS (app built in XDK).

    I was having a problem with my game audio on iOS (exporting for cordova and building in XDK).

    When testing on an iPhone5 sound effects seemed to be low quality compared to the original .wavs. This problem wasn't occurring in Android where the sound effects sounded good quality just like the original .wavs.

    In this thread, people are discussing a range of fixes for some iOS audio bugs that were occurring a while back (early 2016). I think the problems these guys are discussing have been sorted with recent releases of C2, iOS and Chrome, but there was a mention of how converting audio from 44.1Khz to 48Khz was a possible fix for problems they were experiencing at that time.

    I wondered if this might also might improve my problem of generally ****** sound effects on iOS. And it did! The sound effects on iOS now sound as good as Andorid and the original .wavs.

    Process was just to convert the sample rate from 44.1Khz to 48Khz (I used Audacity). Then export each sound effect as .m4a

    Export from C2 for Cordova like usual.

    Copy the 48Khz m4a files into the Cordova folder (www/media)

    Then build in XDK like usual and test on iPhone.

  • Everyone who wants to make the same workaround as I did, here is the almost inaudible sound: ...


    Thanks Ignaci, I can report your work around worked for me. I was experiencing this problem with my game: sound effects stopping after a short period of inactivity (2mins approx).

    This was an Android app, built in XDK testing on an Android Nexus5 (not testing in the chrome browser).

    Using this work around my sound effects don't crap out, even after extended periods of inactivity (+20 mins)

  • Yeah, looking at that post again. This guy is clearly just spamming to promote his service.

  • Ok. Yes I am getting the same thing. And your observation that locking / unlocking the screen forces touch to start working is the same for me too.

    Overall though, I get much better performance building a Windows UAP with XDK than with Visual Studio.

    With XDK I get better fps, less problems with music and fixes problem of my game not being centered.

    My game just seems to be broken in every direction with Visual Studio.

    Ok Ill go report this bug with Microsoft as well. Where did you submit a report tunepunk? The Microsoft Dev website? (

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    Another user from these forums (td2tl) recommends a program called Open Broadcast Software on his blog. I haven't used it myself but it might be worth a look.

  • Hey how are you building your game for Windows tunepunk? Are you using Visual Studio or Intel XDK?

    I started testing in Windows Phone today and surprise! I'm having problems with touch like you are. Not exactly like you describe but still, touch craps out. I tried building with VS and XDK and my game breaks with both methods

  • AllanR Im not sure if its bugs, or if it's something Ive done wrong. I probably have settings wrong somewhere.

    I just tried exporting for WinPhone with Intel XDK. In that case, my game is nicely centered, and the fps is slightly better although not great (30fps), but the in-game touch controls do not work at all! (But touch still works in the menus...)

    But another upside: music works when exported with XDK. Thats another problem I didnt mention above, my music craps out when making my app with Visual Studio.

    Man, I thought iOS was temperamental. Seems like Windows 10 apps are the worst of the lot!!!! I didnt have this much trouble with iOS or Android, not even close.

    Im going to bed >:(

  • Today I attempted to test my game on a Windows Phone (Lumia 550) and I ran into a couple of problems.

    I'm following the official tute for producing a Universal Windows 10 app.

    The first problem is, when I test my game, the menu screens are not centered (see image below). My game uses 'scale outer' and the menu screens have background layers that extend beyond the edges of the layout. This setup works great on Android and iOS but seems to screw up on Win Phone. I think whats happening is the top right of the device screen (in layout mode) seems to want to line up with the top right of the background image, which *should* extend beyond the edges of the screen.

    This is a screengrab from the Win Phone. All menu screens are off center.

    This is how the same layout looks in C2. The bg layer extends beyond the edges of the layout.

    I can force it to center in the device by doing the following: If I select 'landscape' AND 'landscape flipped' as 'supported rotations' in Visual Studio, what happens is on first load, the game is off center, but when I rotate it, the game becomes centered as it should be.

    This problem is totally repeatable and happens every time I test on my Win Phone device from VS.

    I tried changing from 'scale outer' to 'letterbox scale' in C2. That didnt help.

    I also tried the fix mentioned in this thread. But that didn't help (ie using: { width: 100%; } )

    The second problem is the in-game fps is terrible (~10fps) and touch input doesn't work in-game. But touch does work in all the menus, and the menus are quite snappy and fast.

    As I said I am testing on a Lumia 550. But I would have thought it should be strong enough to give a playable fps for my game? I can achieve 50+ fps on my iPhone5 for the same game when exporting with XDK.. So I think it must be something I am doing wrong.

    Thanks for any help.

  • You have to understand the Nexus 5X is vastly more powerful than the iPhone 5 in terms of hardware.

    Yes of course, I understand that. I was just curious to know how powerful the iOS devices were that you were testing on to get outstanding performance. I haven't had the chance to test on iPhone6 yet, Im hoping performance will be as smooth the Nexus.

  • When you say you get outstanding performance on iOS, what kind of Apple devices are you testing on? For me its the other way around, I get excellent performance on my new Nexus 5X but on my older iPhone5 I get slower performance.

  • zapmore I was in exactly the same position as you about 12 - 18 months ago. I wanted to try building games specifically for mobile and wasn't sure if I should try C2 for the very same reasons you mention: research seemed to indicate additional hurdles getting your game onto mobile with C2.

    I actually tried Game Maker first, and got a crappy prototype half working before deciding that even supposedly 'easy-to-use' Game Maker was going to be too steep a learning curve for my dumb, non-programmer brain.

    After stalling for a while I looked again at C2, and while I still had doubts about how easily I would be able to publish to mobile given all the gripes I read about third party wrappers and poor performance etc etc I decided to give it a try. I attempted to make the same prototype on C2 and was able to get it up and running easily compared to my efforts with GM. I have recently started testing a very early version of my game on mobile (initially with a fair amount of trepidation... thinking XDK would be a steep learning curve) but was pleasantly surprised how well it worked. I had no major problems getting my game to run smoothly as a native app on iOS and on Android once I found the right information on the forums. Theres a few things you need to get right.

    Like I found information in this thread and this blog post to be a big help. You have to export with WKWebView selected to get decent performance on iOS.

    However I should say that my game is simple, and I haven't tested in-app purchases, ad networks or achievements yet. So... probably Ill start to experience challenges when I get to that stage.

    I think its possible that people have success getting their games onto mobile with C2 but we may not hear about it on the forums. People will always come and post when they run in to troubles and need help, but not so much if it's plain sailing. So for all the people posting about problems they encounter trying to get their games onto mobile, i would hazard a guess that there plenty of others who have the various hoops figured out and are happily publishing their games (thats purely speculation on my part tho).

  • Hey man thanks!! I'm pretty happy with how it's turning out so far. At this point I am aiming to have it completed by end of August. I was hoping for end of July a while back but I can see that clearly isn't happening.

    I consistently underestimate how long every stage of this project will take 😏

  • RicardoDev that's some pretty impressive earnings Ricardo!!! I'm going to publish my first game soon and I set myself the goal to try and earn $1000 per month from that one game. I thought that seemed achievable and would be a good start.

    Can I ask you, how many games have you published to earn $14,500k p/m? You must have a few games published?

  • nemezes thanks man. The whole intro sequence is several animations inside a single sprite object.

    Yes I drew all the sprites and artwork. I make them in Photoshop then export PNG sequences.