Machinarium demo is ready to download
Would be nice to have a "round" style or angle based inventory too. Quite common for multi platform games. In consoles works with analog sticks and on pc with mouse. Have seen it on Beyond Good & Evil, Pychonauts, Bioshock...
Some talk about it here:
Thanks lucid, this is exactly what I mean . I want to use layers as a group or family of objects, like another selection filter.
Yes, I know that condition. But you need to do this condition with all object in the screen/layout.
Is there anything like this? Something to work like with families but, with layers?
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Yes, it is one of the first things have thought. But it is another extra to add for each object. Would be great to keep thing more clean. I am thinking to do a event based LOS
Ops sorry. It is not that. Currently the Line Of Sight behaviour "searchable" angle range is always attached to objets angle. I would like to set custom angle for Line of Sight behavior. So currently I need to check every tick if there is any wall between two characters and hide/unhide one of them. I can set angle range option to 360, but I have noticed that it hits performance a lot. All I need is a very small angle range but allways looking to the oher object without changing movement angle.
Custom angle option. Option to set angle without changing object's angle.
Yes, really wonderfull. Very good art direction and concepts, and this is not easy in medieval fantasy theme
Really well done tests by Hannes Appell from LoneClone:
And the project page:
Does Construct runs in ReactOS?
Thanks for the help !!! I have uploaded a tittle demo with the lighting system. Lights gradient are in one layer and affetcs only to ground texture. The main character and "future" objects are tinted with filter RGB manipulation depending lights color. The physiscs are also event based.
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