<img src="http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/472186/Construct/Forums/Irudiak/tech_support_cheat_sheet.jpg">
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
haha, saw this on digg, still good though!
I put this one together as a freebie for my (NetTemple/SCAD) students - but it is only the Plug-Ins, Behaviors and Effects windows. Its not so much a cheatsheet rather a roadmap where to find things for newbies.
Mainly because in the beginning they don't know where to find the things they are looking for - until they get oriented to the UI and all of the different levels (excuse the promo text).
You can get the pdf version here: s3.amazonaws.com/thinkific-import/177739/bnZxCvSBQNQmT11fywFM_construct3cheatsheet-1562363417733.pdf
This is the first time I've seen a thread a decade old get bumped. Nostalgic...
Would it be appropriate to post this a "newbies area" as well? nT