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  • Ergh, that's frustrating. Depending, though, I think it still might be worth it. C2's event system adds overhead to normal JavaScript as well, but it's still fast enough in most cases (on desktop especially). It might be too confusing for many users to have to adapt to whatever system three.js uses, but then again, I don't know how it works, so I guess it's hard for me to make an informed comment on the matter. I'm just concerned because I've tried normal programming before and it made no sense to me at all.

  • QuaZi - are you sure that's the better way? The second seems more in line with how C2 works. How does picking work if everything is in the same plugin? How could I do something like:

    If 3denemyobject variable 'mode' = "patrolling"

    If distance(3denemyobject.x, 3denemyobject.y, 3dplayerobject.x, 3dplayerobject.y) < 1000

    • set 3denemyobject.mode to "chasing"

    If 3denemyobject variable 'mode' = "chasing"

    • move 3denemyobject 50*dt pixels at angle: angle(3denemyobject.x, 3denemyobject.y, 3dplayerobject.x, 3dplayerobject.y)
  • You could probably just use the pin behavior.

    At the start of layout

    If panelpart overlapping panel

    • pin to it
  • Merged the topics.

    Looks cool, I'm interested in that second screen functionality too. I also like how apparently it can use other controllers that people already have.

    I guess we'd need to find out if crosswalk could support the APIs for it.

  • If it isn't the JavaScript compiling, perhaps you're using too much RAM/VRAM somewhere. I had a problem with my game freezing, only to discover it was because I had accidentally tried to shove 5 gigs of image data into my computer's 2 GB RAM/ 512 mb VRAM and node webkit was swapping data to disk to try to manage it all, freezing the game while it did so.

  • Nice! Looking forward to when you have it working!

  • If you post something, just post a translation of it underneath, like this.

    Si publicas algo, sólo publicar una traducción del mismo por debajo, como éste.

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  • Arima just added a translation for my post I figured it was only logical to add one... then I red your post

    Thanks for helping out and adding that.

    [quote:3f04ises]I do understand the policy however sometimes you get posts from people who's native language is another not all of them are used to just translating in google before posting.

    Yep, I understand that, which is why I continue to try to inform people of the policy.

  • Ragevortex - I'm aware of that. However, it is the policy of this forum for all users to either stick to English, or as I said, also provide a translation of your post. Even if someone such as yourself speaks both languages, we cannot moderate this forum with people speaking languages we don't understand. As such, it applies to you too when your helping in someone's native language - if it's not English, please provide a translation.

  • This is an English speaking forum, please stick to English or provide a translation in your post.

  • Pode - color filters would be the best way to do color shifts as they are way, way faster than the tint effect (CC had them if you want to see how fast they are - I found no speed difference at all between using them or not), and are done on the gpu. I'm still hoping they get implemented as they're one of my most wanted features.

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  • Not just webgl, I think all hardware acceleration, even canvas2d, is disabled.

    To answer your question, sort of. Node webkit does take parameters, but for some reason the --ignore-gpu-blacklist argument isn't working in the package file currently, Ashley's looking into why. If he can get that working then C2 will automatically use it when exporting to node webkit.

    Until then, your only two options that I've been able to find are:

    1: make a shortcut to NW.exe, edit the properties, add " --ignore-gpu-blacklist" (everything in the quotes, but not the quotes themselves) to the end of the target field, and run that instead of the exe. Downside - this doesn't help with previewing and the user could run the exe directly.

    2: revert back to an earlier version of node webkit, I think it was somewhere around version 160 that it switched over to the version with vista blacklisted. That's what I've done.