Arima's Forum Posts

  • Fimbul, what device are you testing on? If you're remaking that screenshot, there's a lot of overdraw going on, as remember even fully transparent pixels in a texture are still drawn by the gpu, and semi-transparent ones take a lot more work to draw, so you might try making the text background fully opaque. Also, are you using normal text or sprite text? I seem to recall some people talking about normal text having worse performance. Otherwise, the only ideas I have are to check your CPU use, or as mentioned, pasting everything except the text to an instance of the canvas or paster object.

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    Bass_X as far as I know, the ipad 3's CPU is comparable with the iPhone 4 and its gpu is faster than the iPhone 4, so if we compare the iPhone 4 and 4s, it's known that the iPhone 4s's CPU is twice as fast and its gpu is seven times as fast. The iPhone 4 is a very weak device.

    On an iPhone 4s you can only redraw the entire screen about three times. Less if the pixels are partially transparent instead of fully opaque or fully transparent. You could easily hammer performance with 5 transparent fullscreen sprites on that device and the iPhone 4 is far weaker.

    Also, what operating system is it running? There was a 2000% speed increase with iOS 5, and more increases with 6 and 7.

    No computer in the world, even when coded natively, is powerful enough to be immune to fps dips if you throw more at it than it can handle. The truth of the matter, though, is HTML 5 is not as fast as native, and the iPhone 4s is the first device to realistically be powerful enough to make up for it, and as such, the iPhone 4s is where HTML 5 games should start targeting. I mean, maybe you could make something crazy simple for the iPhone 4, but it would be terribly limiting.

  • The logging out issue was fixed for a lot of us as of about 12 hours ago. Has it happened to you again since then?

    Edit: nm, saw in the other thread you're still getting logged out.

  • Same, I just realized I wasn't logged out after a few hours too.

  • Ok, that's enough of that. megatronx, I understand you're having a hard time imagining why someone would have difficulty copying and pasting something, but that sort of attitude in response doesn't help anyone and just escalates things and gets people upset, which you just saw happen. Perhaps there is something you're missing about his situation why copy and paste isn't working right, maybe even something he's unaware of like some third party software interfering somehow. If you don't feel like posting anything helpful in a non-antagonizing fashion, then please don't post in that thread. We're trying to keep this place friendly as possible for everyone, and posting in that manner never causes good feelings.

    Spindraft, I understand your being upset with megatronx's posts, but personal attacks are not allowed on this forum either, so please refrain from using insults and notify a moderator instead.

    So please, everyone, calm down. The point of this place to try to help people, so let's try to get this thread back on track. I'd rather not lock the thread.

  • You're also adding obstacles to the line of sight behavior instead of the pathfinding behavior. An obstacle is not universal between behaviors.

  • I just realized - you might be trying to paste something where it can't be pasted, like some text when the expression editor isn't open, or you might be trying to paste a condition or action without an event selected, so it doesn't appear?

    Edit - also, c'mon, he's having some problems using the program, let's just help him with it. Loling at people will probably just cause hurt feelings.

  • Are ctrl-c and ctrl-v not working for you? If not, maybe your keyboard isn't working? You can also right click to get a menu to copy and paste.

    Ctrl-c and ctrl-v are used in practically every program everywhere, so C2's manner of copying and pasting isn't different from the standard.

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    This kind of post isn't going to get you anywhere.

    You're posting in the wrong section, calling something subjective like your opinion on C2's free version a bug, not even describing why you think it's crappy, accusing the devs of not caring about their users which if you'd spent any time here at all you would know isn't true, and getting upset about them charging for their hard work even though it's less than most other engines?

    If you want people to think you're not trolling and want to have an honest discussion about how things can be improved, first calm down, then politely write out your concerns, what specifically made you so upset (we might be able to help you), and how you think things could be improved in another post. Locking.

  • Yep, tried 5 different anti-virus/malware programs. Nada.

    I guess I should have been more clear, I know I can turn off my antivirus to install it. I'm just trying to figure out why r165 seems fine but r166 isn't.

  • Ok, I've tried everything suggested and nada, I still get the same problem. Anyone else have any other ideas? Anyone else have bitdefender and not getting the error?

  • Please do not create multiple threads for the same topic.

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  • Yeah, I'm aware of that, but I keep clicking the preview button without thinking because my mind is wrapped up in the code I'm currently working on, and would prefer to be able to specify the previewed layout rather than it always being the first one.

  • Was that comparing c2 to game maker's HTML 5 or native export?

    Aside from that, I'm afraid I don't understand the point of this thread either.

    Comparing GML and c2 events is like comparing apples and oranges, some things might require less lines of code in either (for example, in c2, pathfinding requires barely any code at all).

    You say the game runs better in game maker because you don't feel like coding it properly in construct? You'd have the same problem in game maker if you didn't code it right there, too. Shaders are quite intensive, of course they're going to require more work from the computer than just using another sprite for a reflection.

    If you're putting in the effort to port a large game over, which you knew would be a large task, why are you not willing to put in a little more effort to fix something important that causes a performance hit? Sometimes the stuff in the "1%" is too important to skip. Also, not putting in the effort to design your code properly from the start can sometimes cause you to end up doing more work in the long run fixing your mistakes.

    Also, where did someone confuse GML for c2 events? Apparently no one in this thread...