The most simple example is Enemy Health Bars. Often its updated in size every tick in most CAPX I've seen, not necessary since in most games, attacks or opportunities for enemies to take damage occur much less frequently than every 16ms. Multiply this by heaps of enemies onscreen, its just extra CPU cycles being wasted.
True, best place to update health bar is when something actually hits it. So when you write your attack events, just add a update health function at end.
You fire laser - laser misses
You fire laser - laser hits - "Update Health Status"
You fire laser - laser misses
you fire laser - laser misses.
you pick you nose, take a sip of coffee
you fire laser - laser misses
you fire laser - laser hits - "Update Health Status"
you fly through a add 5 health token - "Update Health Status"
you hit a wall - "Update Health Status'
Maybe first tip should be "do not start with making a mobile game, instead try different little desktop prototypes"?
I like that, how about do not start on your game, start with tutorials and examples and make those first.
I learnt SO MUCH from
Template: Real Time Strategy (RTS)
(An advanced template showing how to set up an RTS style game with user-commanded units which aim and fire at enemies)