aridale's Forum Posts

  • is that new? I just checked in r99 and theres is a set boolean but I swear Ive never seen it before... only toggle

  • if you do get around to adding global bools please also add an option to set the value of the bool not just toggle it. The toggle is useful no doubt but Id like the ability to set the value directly as well. Same for instance bools. I dont use those at all simply because I cant set the value

  • yeah if google drive is gonna be a success their gonna have to get the syncing working atleast as well as Dropbox. Especially with the Dropbox program installed

  • I made a post about this in the How Do I section because Im lookin for more (better) ideas about how to do the destructible terrain. I decided to post here too because a lot of general players prolly wont see it in the help section and Im looking for feedback overall as well.

    This is a Scorched Earth clone thus the name =D For those that dont know Scorched Earth was a tank game where multiple tanks fight on a mountainous area and try to kill each other with various explosive rounds.

    This is a very (very) basic implementation so far. Ive only worked on it about 10 hours now.

    The idea is simple. Pick a number of players (with customizable names) bewteen 2 and 6 and battle it out in local multiplayer (no AI yet). Adjust your angle and your power to hit the enemy tanks and be the last tank standing to win.

    Its pretty simple right now. Wind effects the shots travel. Depending on how far away it spawns the tanks the full power might not be able to hit it yet.

    Anyway its basically fully playable but its simple so far.

    Arrow Keys: Adjust the shot angle and power

    Space Bar: Fires the shot

    If ppl are interested Ill expand on it. I just basically wanted to see if itd be possible to do in c2. It pretty much is.

    Blackened Topiary

    8/1/12 - Update - Fixed start screen and added explosions that leave the surrounding area blackened

  • Blackened Topiary

    Made this over the course of about 10 hours. Pretty playable so far but the way Im doin the terrain is really bringin the system down. I doubt (given proper controls) itd be playable on mobile at all.

    So Im lookin for some ideas on how to better do destructible terrain. Right now its generating a sprite object at each 8x8 location for the peak of the terrain. Then goin back thru and filling the locations below the peak with semi random terrain. I couldnt think of a better way to do it with c2 =/

    Arrow keys: adjust angle/power

    Space Bar: Shoot

    Dont pay any attention to the numbers in the boxes on the first screen its there for debug stuff I just forgot to remove it in the uploaded version. Its local mp only 2 to 6 players. Should be pretty much fully playable. Last one left alive is the winner!

  • in multiplayer games its easier to give more trust to the clients. Like in fps games you can generally take the position of a player as valid without having to check it on the server. Stuff like that uses movement prediction to show the location of the players to the other players.

    That allows the actual position of the player to be updated only when that player stops or starts moving. Everything else is guessed by the other clients.

    MMOs are kinda different. Where in fps games almost all the info can come from the client and generally be trusted in an mmo almost all the data is server side and mirrored only whats required to the clients.

    Then the mmo client uses predictive movement for the mobs and other players based on the initial position it got from the server.

    Since almost all data is server side in mmos you dont trust data from the clients. Basically you check the data received from the client to make sure its valid before updating the server values and giving those values to the connected clients.

    Thats also generally why you see less lag in mmos and they can be played with a slower connection than online fps games. All the data crunching is server side and the basic info is then reflected to the clients only when they need it

    General info but hopefully itll help out a lil

  • without serious changes your have to start from scratch. Not only would the engine need to be html5 but the editor too. Kinda like Unity and its editor. The editor is built into the engine and is just a mode thats turned on/off. Then you just need to make changes to things immediate instead of having to reload.

    The main problem with all of it would be interpreted language not compiled. Atleast not in the live building/testing

  • and loopindex("nameofloop") to get a specific running loops loopindex

  • the main problem you guys are seeing with the file size is from images and sound like Ashley mentioned. The only way around that is to either not save it as a single file (capx) or load the images from url at runtime

    The rest is just text and text storage and size is pretty much completely trivial these days

    Take for example my main project... Its 467 kb in capx right now but it can load and display an endless number of different maps each using upwards of 100 different full images not counting the frames of those images

    Its that small because:

    1 - it has no sound (yet lol)

    2 - the map data uses only 1 layout thats cleared off and filled back up when needed. The map data is sent by php (almost "full" map is around 80kb)

    3 - all the images needed by the loaded map are loaded from url. It knows what it needs to load from php

    4 - only images needed for the entire game are saved in the capx. Stuff like UI and buttons... and some specific game sprites like the player

    It works great so far but there are issues with it like making sure the images are loaded completely before using them. And thats somethin I still havent figured out Im gonna have to make a new thread about it...

  • set the size of the array to however big you want then loop thru all the elements in the array and generate a random number and put it in that element.

    Pretty simple just remember you need to set the size of the array first or it wont work. Look at the manual entry for arrays for the functions to use

  • I doubt your gonna get anythin back from the request cause it creates a sound file. Thats not somethin you can pull into c2. The ajax object is basically used to request pages with the intent that the page requested echos data. That echoed data will then be stored in AJAX.LastData

    Its meant mainly for text. The only way you could get the sound file across it is to somehow echo the binary data of the sound file then save that to the computer receiving it and THEN play it.

    Either that or someone makes a way to play streaming sound from a url similar to how you can load images from url

  • it would be somethin like "file:///C:/filelocation" to open a local file in the browser. No idea if itd actually work tho

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  • I dunno if it works with overlapping but with collision it picks the colliding objects and 0 is the one checking and 1 is the one it hit. I think thats the order.

    Like I said I have no idea if it works with overlapping

  • yeah I dont really trust webstorage for much of anything. It just seems completely unsafe for any kind of game save type storage. About all I plan to use it for is game client settings like saving username so you dont have to type it everytime... stuff like that

  • my question for Ashley Does making a layer invisible make each object on that layer invisible? As in if I test if an object on an invisible layer is visible will it be false?

    If yes to that then Id say this is a bug. It shouldnt be triggering on the invisible ones. If its no then you need to not just turn a layer off but also test to see if that layer is visible when the texted are touched to trigger the right events

    I do know that invisible objects on a layer can still be touched cause Ive had to work with that mself