Arcticus's Forum Posts

  • Physics is timedelta already? But I can't seem to slow it down with timescaling

    I find timedelta very useful, but since physics uses different measurements, i'm finding it hard to 'quantify' in my head.

    In any case, that speed check thing is what I've usually been doing, but what mostly happens is, once I reach the maximum speed, I can no longer change direction (I use the mouse pointer for direction) and it just keeps flying off in the direction i was going once i reached max speed. As soon as I am no longer going max speed i can change direction fine. This could just be sloppy coding on my part I dunno. I've always found setting a max speed on a physics based engine thing rather difficult...

  • The pythagoras thing is working fine now that I got the right code in. So now I can get some idea of the speed in any given direction. So I know he's travelling around 10 .... 10 what? oranges?

    Also I want to be able to use time delta with this physics movement and it tends to put a bit of a spanner in the works... making everything move REAL slow.

    Now I realise in a space situation there is no maximum speed, but this is a game and I want to be able to set a maximum velocity on this sucker, so far i'm finding it hard to do. Also since i haven't coded in any deceleration, i've been using the damping, but increasing that makes me have to apply a whole lot more force to move the dam thing. Should i just set the velocities instead of applying force? I'm not very physics minded.

    Thanks for the help so far, if this is at all annoying just ignore it lol

  • Is it possible to make motion blur affected by time scaling? What I think would be cool is when I make it go all slo mo, the motion blur still works as though it's not in slo mo, making everything look all blurry as though the player is moving super fast.

    I dunno if this is already possible, if so please tell me

  • Sorry for all the posts, I realised I was doing the wrong equation cause I was sure that bug was fixed, the wrong equation I was using was Speed = sqrt((sqrt(Xvel) + sqrt(Yvel)))

    I know i know it's waaaay off, I fixed it up and it works now but but numbers wise, shouldn't it still not return that -1.#IND shouldn't it? well whatever, hopefully I won't have to post in here again

  • I tried out the pythagoras thing for the speed, and most of the time, the value I get returned is -1.#IND which I believe was a problem previously, I thought it had been fixed I'm using the most recent version of construct

  • Yeah that's what I've also tried doing, but as usual there's catches.

    In any case, I quickly tried doing what I want using the physics engine instead and it actually works quite well, except I don't seem to be able to set a maximum speed. I can get the X and Y components for the velocity, but is there some equation using those two that return the actual velocity/speed of the player? Hmmmmm wait would that be pythagora's? That square root bug is fixed right?


    Anyway the reason I haven't went with the ball movement + another sprite idea is, while the bouncing was great, it was hard (while i acknowledge not impossible) for me to set up a thrust type situation. So if i'm holding forward and facing a wall, i hit it, bounce off, slow down to a stop and then start accelerating towards the wall again. Granted I only gave myself about 5 minutes coding time so I'm sure it's quite possible, but I find the physics one is more accurate. I just hope it doesn't mess up any collision codes i put in later.

    Anyway as I realise this thread may now be redundant, thanks for reading anyway

  • Hey everyone, I think this is the right place to post this.

    For a while now I've been trying to make a movement engine type thing that's similar to Infantry/Cosmic Rift/Subspace WITHOUT using the physics engine.

    Now I'm all ears to hears reasons why I should use it, I just wanted to see if it could be done realistically without the physics engine since (to my understanding) object manipulation and collisions would be easier without it no?

    For those unfamiliar with the type of movement i'm going for, it's like a realistic space type movement, basically, you fly in one direction for a while, and since there's no 'friction' on you, if you let go of forward, you will just keep on floating away in the direction you're travelling in, regardless of which way you're facing.

    But what i'm finding HARDEST to achieve is realistic bounces from collisions, bouncing off at the right speed and angle is so hard for me to get going, i've recently been trying with the ball object but i'm having a lot of trouble getting it to look in a different direction to the way it's going. My current method uses no behaviours and moves the object quite realistically, but to get the realistic bounces i have a huge loop that shoots out a whole bunch of detectors that 'feel' the shape of the area around the player and then when the player collides with anything, it knows which direction to bounce off in. But it's a very long winded way of doing it and it doesn't quite work well with small enclosed areas.

    If anyone could help me out here that would be awesome!!

    I'm totally ok with scrapping my current idea if you got something better. Or better yet, convince me to use the physics engine

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  • Thanks Ash, I love this place, speedy dev replies and speedy updates! (usually )

    This could lead to so much cool stuff, like remote cameras or like remote controlled little pets or something, it could also be a cool idea for things like sniper rifles, not to mention split screen yay.


  • Hi, I have a suggestion that I obviously think rocks, and that hopefully isn't -too- hard to do, then again I have very little game coding experience. I did a little search to try and find if it has been suggested already, it wasn't exhaustive but I have to sleep soon. Sorry about the long intro but...

    There's a game I used to play called Silencer, IT ROCKS, it has only recently been ressurected but it is multiplayer only and usually there is nobody playing. So I'm thinking of making a clone of it to some extent, I could do it with relative ease with one exception, Multiple cameras.

    If that term is confusing maybe it would be better described as remote viewing cameras or something.

    Basically in the game you could place cameras/remote bombs and when you did, a little window showing a little 'security cam' type screen of the area around the bomb/camera appeared so you could know when to detonate it wherever you were or just plain use it to spy on people.

    I reckon it would be an awesome feature to be implemented in construct cause it could also lead to things like splitscreening etc.

    Anyways sorry about being dormant on these forums for so long and sorry about the wall of text, if you read this far thanks lol

  • I know the problem seems to be solved and all, but does the radius of an explosion HAVE to be defined by a circle? could you not test the distance from the point of impact and any objects within that distance are affected?

    I could be wrong since I haven't used construct in a while but if it's right then it would save making a sprite or having a whole separate sheet to make a circle

    I guess it would look something like,

    for each [family]

    distance between point 1 and point 2 < certain number


    I dunno

  • why not do a for loop where the maximum number of loops is the agility and in the loop you only move one pixel at a time?

    Although i suppose a repeat agilty times would also suffice no?

  • I dunno how else to describe it, but you know how you'll play some games that allow you to change the colour of a certain area on the character, a good example would be rise of the robots II, anyways, I've always wanted to be able to do this without having to create multiple instances of the character but with different colours.

    It would be nice to say, set a colour/hue (i dunno how it works) range and then spin along the hue wheel at runtime till you get the colour you want.

    I dunno if it's possible but it would save a whole lot of rendering time for me if it is <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" />

  • dynamic music <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" />

  • That's really helpful! thanks dude

    I really like coding my own physics stuff, cept I'm not very good at figuring out anything beyond my secondary maths schooling lol

  • I haven't looked at this game yet but if you're looking for bounce code I always use something like this:

    BounceAngle = 2 * (WallAngle - ObjectAngle) + ObjectAngle

    In this case, the wallangle would be the bat and the objectangle would be the ball, bounceangle would be the new angle that the ball would bounce off into.

    Although I am a lazy man and I haven't looked at the game to see if this is appropriate but at least I took the effort to post this here eh? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" />