Arcticus's Forum Posts

  • It might have something to do with the settings of your video card, a little while ago I had my card set on a bunch of different things like anistrophic filtering, temporal antiailiasing etc, and I was getting a number of odd looking things going on in construct, as soon as i turned them to application controlled, construct worked fine.

  • Aw I half wanted it to be you, look at him there, pretending to throw light bulbs around in a suit...

  • I've always wondered if that's actually a picture of Ashley in his avatar juggling ideas....

  • I know I've said it before but it would be great to have a visual directional readout of the angles of animations (albiet similar to tgf/mmf)rather than just a list, with a lot of directions, one animation can have quite a long list of angles <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" />

    With that in mind, (and also similar to tgf/mmf...) it would also be handy to know which angles have animations in them or not, like an empty circle when there is no animation and a filled circle when there is? Did I explain myself ok? I basically think the animation direction thing from tgf/mmf was pretty spot on <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" />

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  • Haha awesome game, reminds me of Thor or Golden Axe Warrior!

  • 3/4 iso, the man's way <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" />

  • yeah to be able to do all the directions from the one image sequence

  • When I make my own graphics, I generally use a 3d design software package to do so, and say I've just made a walk animation for a guy and I want it for 64 directions, what I usually do is set the walk cycle to repeat 64 times and each time I rotate him however many degrees are needed for the next direction. So I have ALL directions of him walking in the one animation file/image sequence.

    The only problem I've always had with this was I had to import them all into one direction in the animation editor, then manually go through and cut and paste them in the correct directions (in construct at the moment I have to do it frame by frame!).

    One thing that I've always wanted to be able to do, is when importing animations, have the option of something like an "Animation contains all directions?" checkbox, then I could write in the starting direction, how many directions there are (4, 8, 16, 32, 64 etc), and how many frames of the animation there are in one direction.

    Also another handy option would be whether or not you want the image to crop each frame's 'empty space' down to the minimum used image area if you get what i mean, tgf and mmf used to do it.

    Anyway, I realise it's all probably not a huge priority or something, it would just make animating lots of things go generally smoother (at least for me haha)

    Although I will add, I really like the tileset option with the current import image thing, cheers ash

  • ok i tried it like this, I made the variable 'Speed' always set to sqrt(MoveX ^ 2 + MoveY ^ 2) that way I can just say like, if 'speed' > than 20

    but if i go into any directions where cos or sin return negative values, i get a speed reading of -1.#IND and my object just floats along at whatever tragectory it was at

    Also as i'm not much of a brain, I'm still a little confused about the Player('MoveX') ^ 2 + Player('MoveY') ^ 2 > 0.25 thing you mentioned, would that fix the problem I have at the moment?

  • pythagoras! of course! If you had told me in highschool that I would find an actual USE for trigonomerty AND pythagoras I would have laughed in your face

    I was just trying to find an accurate speed reading!

    Thanks heaps ash, also I didn't know about that timedelta thing, i'll implement it in too

  • Hi, I thought a good suggestion/feature to implement later would be something similar to the drawline extension that mmf had. But I think if possible it would be even cooler if you could set properties to the line to be drawn as well such as opacity, colour and thickness. If you could take it one step further and have like a draw poly function where you assign each corner of the poly to a point of you choice etc and still set colour and opacity, you could actually get away with faking 3d stuff pretty easily, but right now I'm happy with just a drawline function.

    Also another suggestion about the current gradient tool, would it be possible to add different gradient shapes? Radial gradients would be great although I'm aware i could just use photoshop but it would be quicker with construct with it built in and all

    Anyway that's all bye

  • I've been thinking about going down that road, however, due to the nature of how I'm doing it, I can't actually SET the speed in a specific direction by using a speed variable, I can only -retreive- the speed and that's by using the system event distance between points, by using a LastX and LastY variable.

    In any case I suppose I might be able to work around it by taking whatever offset is in my MoveX and MoveY variables and multiplying it by something like 0.98

    Thanks for your input, if anyone else has any other ideas I'd still love to hear em! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" />

  • I like the Zpaan one

  • Hi, I'm making a little movement engine, it's LOTS of events so I've made a tiny little example that has the basic (and i mean basic) fundaments of how I will be moving the player/objects.

    So far everything is running ok, I even found a way (although somewhat crude) to find the angle of the any wall to calculate a way to bounce off it corrctly, but there is ONE main thing stopping me from really developing this much further and that is, I can't get it to stop accelerating beyond a certain point. That is to say, if I hold up for example, the player will just keep getting faster.

    I'm pretty rubbish at most maths, and i've spent many hours just trying to fix this problem...

    I've tried lots of things and most of them, if they even work result in usually one of two things, I -can- get it to stop accelerating once a certain speed is reached BUT after that point I am unable to move in any other direction,


    I can move in any direction again but it's not realistic looking, as in moving diagonally will actually move faster than moving up/down or left/right, also when turning whilst moving forward, the player moves in more of an octogon type shape.

    Any help with limiting the speed (and some nice accel/deceleration code would be nice too <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> ) while still maintaining control would be VERY helpful <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    To fully understand what I'm raving about, here's the link to the reduced version

    (you don't really want the big one I'm working on, way too confusing for now I just want this movement thing sorted) ... ntdemo.cap

    Oh one more thing, I don't -really- wanna make it use the built-in movement types, I know it may be a little counter-productive on my part but I really wanna know how to actually do this myself. Plus I like custom movements more anyway <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    Anyway PLEASE help if you can! yay


  • i love making mods for games! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" />

    cept i'm an average composer...