Arcticus's Forum Posts

  • I don't suppose it would be possible to add a set X component and set Y component to the Ball behaviour would it?

    Plus while I'm writing, are you aware that the ellipse collision mask for the new physics engine is a perfect circle regardless of the dimensions of the physics object?


  • Man that one plauged me for ages

    How silly of me

    Thanks Rich!

  • Actually yeah I thought about that after I made the post, the way I close the caps is like how i close any other project in any other application that supports multiple windows of different files, and that is that I just click on the little X under the X that closes construct, the open project's X so to speak

    Upon closer inspection after looking at the project bar I feel a lot more like an idiot since it's still there once I press the X

    This is deliberate correct?

  • I'm pretty sure I've submitted this one on sourceforge a couple of builds ago, perhaps I didn't word it well enough since I haven't seen it fixed ever since I've got construct.

    I don't know if you know about it at all or if it's a local problem on my own PC, but here are some instructions on how to reproduce it for the viewers at home:

    1 - Open up a saved cap (preferably one you don't mind altering or something)

    2 - Make a few changes here and there WITHOUT SAVING

    3 - Close the cap file without closing construct, the file should just close without asking if you want to save

    4 - Close construct

    Now, upon closing construct, you should get the message asking if you want to save that you SHOULD have seen at step 3. This message appears for however many caps you've had open during the session and closed without saving beforehand.

    As I said before, I don't know if this is a problem with my machine but I can't reproduce it in any other application and I have lost quite a lot of progress on some of my older projects due to this bug.

    Sorry to be a pain

  • Basically I'm using it for a realistic 'space' type movement, which is essentially top down but i'm translating it into 3/4 so to speak. So i guess it's not -truely- isometric.

    It's mostly for the X/Y force type movement but with realistic bounces on collisions, those are hard to code with just events Otherwise I would.

    If someone can show me a way of getting 'asteroids' type movement with control over the max speed, acceleration and deceleration which also has realistic bounces from collisions WITHOUT using the physics engine PLEASE TELL ME

    Also, upon reading someone else's thread about physics collisions, i would like to also suggest, alongside with the collision toggle on and off, it would also be nice to be able to choose WHICH physics objects affect a certain physics objects collisions, for example a family of walls causes collisions whereas a family of say the player's limbs (if you're doing a ragdoll thingy) don't collide with each other.

  • Is it possible to make particles from the particle object 'bounce' off solids?

    If not, I think it's a pretty cool idea that should be put in


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  • Heyo again, I did a quick search on this but I only found two responses that deal with this and they were both before the implementation of the new physics engine.

    I just thought, since now is the time for ironing out bugs in the new physics engine that perhaps you awesome devs could add a 'set activated' in the physics behaviour events

    Or, more conveniently, make collisions for physics objects able to be toggled at real time

    I'm making an iso movement engine similar in movement to that Infantry game but with the physics engine how it is, I can't actually make the player jump OVER obstacles or reach different 'Z heights' if you get my drift.

    *Eagerly awaits next build*

  • Sweet! You guys rock my socks

    I hope the new build comes out real soon

    I guess the down time gives me time to work on my concept + art

    Keep on coding

  • I don't suppose a little pop up the size of the animation would be a good enough preview would it?

    In any case, yay! I can't wait for whatever is in store for the animation editor

  • (Sorry about the double thread guys My internet is having a lot of trouble lately and I had to click submit again)

  • Hey would I be able to ask, what's the progress on the animation editor? Or future plans at least?

    Cause I know that it's still kinda buggy but my biggest problem is that it's quite hard to use in comparison with say MMF. I've put my suggestions in bold to make it quicker to read if you don't like walls

    I needed to make a 64 direction sprite, just entering in each angle took me ages, maybe like a list of preset/premade angles wouldn't be a bad idea, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 etc

    Also, a method I use for rendering my sprites (I use a 3D program since I'm good at it but trash at pixel sprites) so they all have the right hotspot is to render one big long animation that contains all the directions in it, and I just import it in the first direction but then have to cut each direction out of that animation and paste it into it's respective direction. While I understand this is a rather long and daunting self inflicted condition, i don't see much of a way around it for what i want to do that doesn't result in a pretty much equally time consuming task.

    It would be nice on the import screen to make it able to move to the next direction every X amount of frames imported. Or at least something similar as it it probably me just wanting a fix to my specific problem

    Along the lines of animation angles, once again I really like the way that MMF does it, with a nice radial view of all the directions of the current animation, something similar in construct would also be very handy. I am aware of the linear nature of construct so displaying ALL the animation angles could be a problem, my solution to that would maybe be, next to the main animation angle display, maybe have a little window that is zoomed in so only a section of the animation 'dail' is displayed, focusing on the selected animation and it's nearby angles close up.

    The other idea I would like to see would be a preview current animation button.

    Anyway thanks for reading, I realise the animation editor isn't a huge priority but it would be nice to make more detailed animations again sometime soon

    Feel free to shut me down about any or all of this

  • Hey I already posted this on sourceforge, I just though I'd mention that I can't return any sort of value when trying to get the X and/or Y velocites of a physics object. No value, not even a zero appears.

    It broke my game engine that I finally got working exactly the way I want

    Anyways I hope this isn't a waste of your time posting here :S

  • Me love team

  • And if you're going to use the above method, a cheap way of getting the arrows to face the right way when in flight would be something like:

    angle(0, 0, Arrow[Physics].VelocityX, Arrow[Physics].VelocityY)

    Of course you would replace the word Arrow for whatever you named your arrow sprite that is affected by physics.

  • Nevermind, it was my code being sloppy, I fixed it up as well as having a couple of breakthroughs

    I now have exactly what I wanted

    Thanks for your help and input, also can't wait for the time scaled physics