arcadesindo's Forum Posts

  • helloo..

    i want to ask something,i have tried to export my games with node webkit,but that make my game size very big for windows,what happen with it ya?

  • I want to upload my game,then at my game,they can share they highscore,and share my game link,how to do that?

  • Thankssss

  • My friend you need Multiline Box plugins by this person septeven here is the link for all the plug ins

    This might help you

    i must install that plugin first?

    and Thankss..

  • Help please..

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I want to make a story in my game,but my story is too long,Look at this.

    [quote:22etv8jx]Rian dan TibiaME

    Episode 1: "Hari Pertama"

    Di siang hari yang panas itu,terdengar suara langkah kaki orang berlari. Itu adalah suara langkah kaki Rian yang nampak sedang tergesa-gesa untuk pulang ke rumah nya. Ternyata,saat di sekolah,Rian membaca artikel di mading sekolah yang menceritakan tentang sebuah Game MMORPG,TibiaME namanya. Ketika ia melihat tampilan game tersebut,ia sudah tertarik pada TibiaME. Dan sebenarnya,alasan utama ketertarikannya pada TibiaME adalah karena wanita pujaan hatinya,Sela juga bermain game itu.

    Sesampainya di rumah,Rian langsung mengambil handphone android nya dan langsung mengecek mengenai game itu di google play.

    "Wah,mantap,beneran gratis game ini!" seru Rian kaget.

    Ditengah kegembiraan Rian,tiba-tiba ia tersadar

    "Jangan-jangan,game ini ada... In App Purchase nya..."

    Sejenak Rian termenung,lalu ia menekadkan hati untuk tetap mencoba TibiaME.

    "Aku tak peduli! Asalkan bisa PDKT sama Sela,bayar berapapun takkan jadi masalah!!" katanya dalam hati.

    Akhirnya ia mencoba TibiaME,dia memasukkan Missions sebagai nama character nya. Missions berarti Mission S,yaitu Mission Sela,karena sejak awal tujuannya bermain TibiaME hanya untuk PDKT dengan Sela.

    Akhir nya setelah memilih warrior sebagai Vocation dan male sebagai gender,ia pun memulai permainan.

    How to add it with easily to my game ya?

    i try to copy and paste that text to the game,but it that make the text not great to read.

    anyone can help me?

    This is my capx file


  • Nice game

  • Look at this Picture.


    i want it writed to be "Just Get Scored 50 War Points ?"

    but it shown "Just Get Scored 50 War Points ? Just"

    i use append text.

  • mahdisml my browser (mozilla firefox) can't open that link,it say error. what happen ya??

  • vioz Hey ! Thanks Man

  • How to make the Canvas Screenshot could open at the next layout?

    Example like this,when the Car is get Crush,and game over,the system will be automatically ScreenShot that layout.

    and it will be go to the next layout(Game over layout)with load the last Screenshot on the game layout.

    i have tried it,but nothing happened.

  • this link couldn't opened again

  • So,i must do like this?

    <div style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; border: solid 2px #555; width:594px; height:332px;">

    <div style="overflow: hidden; margin-top: -100px; margin-left: -25px;">


    <iframe src="my link?" scrolling="no" style="height: 490px; border: 0px none; width: 619px; margin-top: -60px; margin-left: -24px; ">




  • How to do it? i want it looks like scirra arcade, using embed iframe from but i don't know how to do it,anyone know?

  • When i make my game,and try to play it,it becomes like this picture,what happen with this mean?