1. create your app at developer.facebook.com
2. get app ID and app Secret from facebook (This is unique identifier of your app and "password" to allow your construct2 project to use fb app) [attachment=2:82wmbgsu]fbd.JPG[/attachment:82wmbgsu]
2.1 set "SITE URL" to where you are going to export/preview your project.
e.g. I'm using dropbox public/ folder to put my apps for linking to people and deep-previewing after export.
probably, setting url to http://localhost:50000 or (for over-wi-fi previewing) will work.
3. add Facebook object in construct2 project.
4. fill in app ID and app Secret in construct 2 [attachment=1:82wmbgsu]appID.JPG[/attachment:82wmbgsu]
You are ready to communicate to FB app.
make events what you want to do.
some example events.
on pressed sprite called FBshare, it will do some actions.
1.log in
2.prompt to share app - asks user to click "publish". Unless wont do nothing.
3. publish wall post will automatically publish info without asking. (you need to log in user first for this feature and probably user should one time allow your app to post)
Feel free to ask anything you can't udnerstand