why when the player died,the score not appear on Gameover Section?
try this
JayteeDev i've learn a little about PHP,html,and javascript. if there's something you need to know,just ask me.
and,how about if we collaboration for this game?
hm.. i not so know about this,but its mean this is like an online games? login character and others
its like a database?
why not to make it automatically?just click Right Mouse button > add > Touch.
okay,i will read and search it first.btw thanks all :D
Need help,how to add score to my game?
it always say,there's no in whitelist,and sometimes, it will says,download the latest version.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
need help,
i cant upload game with Stable r158.2
<img src="http://gedebuk.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/g62-event-selesai.png" border="0" />
Check That.
system | Bintang.BBoxRight < 0
and where i can find this text?and how to make like that?
Bintang | Set position to.... blablabla(you can see beside BBoxRight)
*Bintang is an Icon
You can "compare two values" at the top of the list in "System" You can then put two formulas in the fields like that. https://www.scirra.com/manual/124/system-conditions Or if one is a global variable, you can compare variable. If it's an instance variable in a sprite, then you will find that option under the object, rather than in System. That's how I do the levels, I've even use the same names.
You can "compare two values" at the top of the list in "System" You can then put two formulas in the fields like that.
Or if one is a global variable, you can compare variable. If it's an instance variable in a sprite, then you will find that option under the object, rather than in System.
That's how I do the levels, I've even use the same names.
it works?i can't use that,if i write it,it always says "There's no Expression like that"
Then,is this Expression true?
Parameters For System: Go to Layout (by name)
i want to make it,every the player win,he will move to another level(another layout from 1 to 2)
if it false,please correct it.
where i can find this Words/option on Event (System)?
"BBoxRight <0"
If your score is held by a global variable you could use on start of layout - set text: GlobalVariableScore
If your score is held by a global variable you could use
on start of layout
- set text: GlobalVariableScore
i still need instruction about this.
in layout 1,i have already make the text automatically count the score when playing,then if the player died,the scores will be appear on Layout 2.
Are you understand?