ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • WaterlooErik thanks for the great guide, creating the BAR was a snap.

  • Tobye, yes but you need to use phonegap SDK as well. Basically you use Eclipse with phonegap.

    Here is the guide from phonegap.

    This tutorial is a little better.

    Phonegap Droid/Eclipse

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • That's cool, my first game was simple too and I compiled it with Phonegap/LowLatency audio plugin for both iOS and Droid and it works great.

    Looking forward to your plugin for sure, thanks.

  • How do we implement the OUYA SDK into our construct 2 projects? In other words, how do we build a game with construct 2 to be submitted for this competition?

    Nevermind, I just saw your other posts and it seem we need to use phonegap and implement the ODK that way. Which is fine, I just don't think my game will run very well using phonegap, but I will try it.

  • Yeah, I found another way to do it using active/inactive groups and keeping my level an integer. Thanks for the help.

  • I'll check that out, Thanks!

    Is this only a problem with 4? Since it works on each of the other numbers in the example.

    So it seems to work fine when I subtract .5 instead. Will I run into any problems later with that?

  • Man, this is killing me.

    I'm doing a brick style game and when the block count reaches zero it goes to the next level. To make this faster for testing I included a keyboard shortcut of "K" to move to the next level.

    Everything is working great, except for Level 4. Construct does not seem to run the code in the compare check, even though it's true.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    When it goes to the Level 4 check, nothing happening. I have a text object showing me the the value of Level and it clearly shows 4, but it never changes to 4.1 like the rest.

  • Wow, that's ever smaller than my Raspberry PI. Crazy! Looking forward to seeing what the final one looks like.

  • mo

    What about ad integration? Are we going to be forced to use Mopub, or can we get native AdMob/iAd support in cocoon?

  • I like both ideas as well.

  • $98 a month is pretty extreme too IMO. Unless you meant per year? I think my next game I am going to try hard to go with AppMobi and see how it pans out. Maybe we can even get native admob support working with a plugin in appmobi :).

  • I have 2 games published with CocoonJS and it works very well. The only thing I am hating about it right now is the need to use MoPub to serve ads. I wish it had native admob support, or one of the other bigger ad networks without the need to go through mopub.

  • kenli,

    That error actually only pops up when you do the certification test yourself. When you submit it to the store, and it redoes the test, it's gone.

  • You still can't edit them from Cocoon, however you can decompile the apk with apktool, edit the manifest and recompile using apktool. It's a work around until Cocoon adds the functionality.

  • The only way I have been able to get it to work was with my first game that compiled using Phonegap and eclipse. Then going through the process of adding the Admod SDK. Since my last 2 games have been compiled with Cocoon, I didn't have that option and it sucks :). Admob no longer has a javascript option that you used to be able to use with the iFrame.