ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • Well I did get one of games working with AppMobi on droid. I removed all my spritefont objects and that seemed to do the trick. However, the game ran about as well as it does on Phonegap and didn't look good. I got much better performance and overall look in CocoonJS. I'm not sure if I am doing something wrong still. I exported as direct canvas, included the directcanvasc2.js file and included it in my index.html.

  • I made 2 origin image points (in this case 4 and 5) and used the following code.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    The gunFireRate is just used to slow down the rate of fire.

    gunSpawn is a global variable

    Thanks for the kind words.


  • OK yeah, RedZone is a great comparison. I can already see how the crosshairs will solve one of my issues with the missiles :).

  • I'll check that game out. Thanks for the feedback.

    The water you see at the beginning was just playing around with the effects, and a few areas the graphics are a mix. I have one graphics artist doing it all, so when it's all said and done the style should be coherent, we hope :).

    I like the crosshair idea, I'll play around with that.

  • Great Thanks!

  • I'm able to log into it.

  • I didn't realize WASD worked, I was designing it using the arrow keys for movement, but i will check that out. I'll probably make it configurable anyway, but thanks for the feedback, very helpful :).

  • I included the CocoonJS Ads object and on my title screen added the event to load banner, bottom center. Easy enough.

    When I compile the game and test it on my devices it hangs right as the loading screen hits 100 percent. Figuring it was something to do with Ads, I removed the Ad object, recompiled and everything worked great.

    Question, would this be a Ludei support question, or Contruct?

    I am a premium member of Cocoon, fyi.

    Thanks again for all the support either way :)

  • Thanks for the kind words all.

  • I'm emailing back and forth with Ludei now, but it's good to know it doesn't happen when compiled. Thanks.

  • Amazing! Thanks Pode

  • I have it set to portrait only, thanks.

  • OK, so I exported with CocoonJS and tested on both an iphone and droid using the cocoon launcher. I tried both Letterbox scale and scale. The results were the same with both.

    Here are the side by side pictures.

    iPhone 4

    <img src="" border="0" />

    HTC Thunderbolt

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Any ideas? Will this change at all when compiling the game from the Cocoon website?

    I also tried crop, but it was worse.


  • I'm in now. Odd.

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  • AWESOME Pode! Thank you.