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  • I ended up not partaking.

    Our family ferret (the mascot of my private software label) Brownie passed away just this morning*. Naturally, I wasn't in the mood for any coding.

    *She was still quite lively until recently, but then turned blind within days, lost a lot of fur and started humping. Yesterday all she could still do was coughing. She couldn't even die peacefully, as she wouldn't stop coughing until the very end. And all this just hours before we were finally getting an appointment with a vet (probably wouldn't have been of any help either, since each and every vet in my area is so incompetent, I'd have to tell them what a ferret is exactly). Gods do I hate nature!

    Blinx123 that is so sad <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I'm really sorry to here about the passing of your little pet Brownie. I love animals, and I know how it feels when a pet passes away it's like loosing a family member.

  • I ended up not partaking.

    Our family ferret (the mascot of my private software label) Brownie passed away just this morning*. Naturally, I wasn't in the mood for any coding.

    *She was still quite lively until recently, but then turned blind within days, lost a lot of fur and started humping. Yesterday all she could still do was coughing. She couldn't even die peacefully, as she wouldn't stop coughing until the very end. And all this just hours before we were finally getting an appointment with a vet (probably wouldn't have been of any help either, since each and every vet in my area is so incompetent, I'd have to tell them what a ferret is exactly). Gods do I hate nature!

    We have the things in common, i had a ferret long time ago...

  • Blinx123 My well wishes go out to your ferret.

  • Thanks guys. Well appreciated.

    The worst is yet to come, I fear.

    My other ferret is going crazy right now. She isn't eating and is on a constant search for her sister.

    If this goes on, I fear I'll lose her as well.

  • WaterlooErik can you let us know what is next? Like what the expected timeline is for getting apps approved, prize winners, payment,etc?


  • Hello all, apologies for the delayed response; I was down and out again for most of the weekend catching up on sleep.

    Blinx123: I'm truly sorry to hear that.

    ArcadEd: I appreciate you sticking to it. There have been some issues crop up when WebGL is enabled in some applications (thank you Joannesalfa for highlighting the workaround.) It's one I've been investigating but can't fully peg. I believe it's related to non-power-of-two textures, but I've also seen results that contradict that theory. If anyone has a basic sample application where WebGL ON breaks it, bu WebGL OFF works, please don't hesitate to email me ( with the CAPX and I'll investigate it further.

    In terms of next steps, the application review process can take up to 10 days, but the App World team is working around the clock to get them out ASAP. Any deadlines that depend on the approval of these applications will be adjusted in the event that reviews take longer than expected (i.e. we won't disqualify anyone if their app isn't approved by the 25th, instead we'll push that date back.) If applications are rejected, you will also have a window to resubmit the application and still be eligible for the rewards under this Port-a-Thon.

    Rewards will be communicated via email (to your vendor account email) once *all* of your applications have completed review. If you get an email but some applications are missing from the list, or if you get no email and we've announced that emails have been sent out, then please email to follow-up. We'll post updates on as we get them.

    EDIT: In terms of payments, these will be done through the vendor accounts themselves so be sure to link a PayPal account if you have not done so already. If you are in a region where PayPal is not an option, there is the possibility of wire transfers. If this is the case, please reach out to

    On a last note, I'd like to thank everybody here that participated. Construct 2 is one of my personal hobbies and I'm excited to see this community become a larger part of BlackBerry 10. For those that couldn't make it, stay tuned as there will be plenty of opportunities still. That being said, post-launch App World will look a lot different than what it does today, so if you found the process worth it, it may be worthwhile to port some titles inbetween events too. And if anyone ever does have any question, I do my best to keep an eye on this forum, but don't hesitate to reach out to me directly at

    Cheers all!

  • Thanks WaterlooErik

    How I found it was webGL was just making a basic app (A square sprite made in construct fires smaller square sprites by tapping the screen). Turn webgl on, nothing. Turn it off, it worked.

    I could recreate the capx in a few minutes if you want me too.

  • ArcadEd: If you don't mind that would be great. I must be missing something in my samples as I just can't get it to fail rendering.

  • WaterlooErik

    Here ya go. CAPX, plus the compiled BAR with and without webGL enabled.

    2 Behaviors: Destroy outside of layout and bullet are used.

    2 Sprites made within construct 2 (squares)

    Touch Object used.

    I believe the capx has webgl turned on when I saved it.

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  • ArcadEd: Thanks a bunch! Just loading up the latest OS and will give it a look.

  • Glad I could help. I'm really impressed with the converting to BB10 from construct. In fact I'm writing up a GUI to go through the entire process (without he need to remember all that command line) for the future. That way I can just plug in the info like title, version, and click GO.

    I am curious though, none of my games seemed to have sound in the simulator. Is that a simulator thing, or is sound currently not working in the conversion?

  • ArcadEd: The sound should generally work, it's just that licensing legality doesn't allow us to distribute codecs with the simulator. WAV and some MP3 audio will occasionally work, but it's a bit of a shot in the dark at times.

    And that tool would be great. Once the WebGL rendering issue is squashed, I plan to put up a porting guide for Construct 2 devs (sort of a formal writeup of the posts in this thread.) If you get a GUI solution going, I'd be happy to link to it as well. The ultimate goal is a C2 plugin but a few steps at a time :-)

    I'll also put this offer out to the community. On Feb. 5th/6th I'm going to be in Amsterdam for BlackBerry 10 Jam Europe. I'm presenting a session on various frameworks and will be highlighting Construct 2 in that talk as well. If any developers here want their converted BB10 app showcased on stage with a little blurb about the author, fire me an email to I'll likely only be able to show off 2 or 3, but thought it might be some cool exposure.

  • ArcadEd: I can't reproduce the issue with the sample you provided. To be sure I was using the WebGL renderer, I added a textbox as outlined by Kyatric:

    I loaded this up onto my Dev Alpha B running the latest OS (newer than the current public release) and am seeing this:

    I've attached my modified CAPX (the only changes are the text box and enabling WebGL) here:

    Finally, here's the BAR file I'm testing with (fully signed, so you can load it on as-is):

    It would be great if you could give that BAR a shot. If it breaks on your OS, we're likely looking at an OS implementation issue that's been fixed. If it works, it may be the tools used to package the app (though I am just using the most recent public tools.)

    If there are any other "black screen when WebGL is ON" samples out there that people would like to share, fire me the CAPX to The more samples we have the more certain we can be :-)

  • WaterlooErik That's great news, maybe I can shoot you a bar of one of the games I submitted with webgl on and see if they work for you. I using the vmware simulator to test the games with, fyi.

    I will test out the bar you posted and see if it works. If it doesn't, it must be the simulator. If so, is there a way to get that updated?

    My GUI app is about done, just need to add one more thing.

  • WaterlooErik Tested out the BAR you linked and I get the same issue. So it must be the vmware simulator. Hopefully it gets updated soon, it's the only way I have to test bb10 :).

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