ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • WaterlooErik Tested out the BAR you linked and I get the same issue. So it must be the vmware simulator. Hopefully it gets updated soon, it's the only way I have to test bb10 :).

  • WaterlooErik That's great news, maybe I can shoot you a bar of one of the games I submitted with webgl on and see if they work for you. I using the vmware simulator to test the games with, fyi.

    I will test out the bar you posted and see if it works. If it doesn't, it must be the simulator. If so, is there a way to get that updated?

    My GUI app is about done, just need to add one more thing.

  • Did you import the file into Construct as music or sound? I believe music is only ogg, where as sound effects construct creates ogg, m4a and wav.

  • Found someone. If it doesn't work out, I'll reopen up this. Thanks to everyone that messaged me.

  • Glad I could help. I'm really impressed with the converting to BB10 from construct. In fact I'm writing up a GUI to go through the entire process (without he need to remember all that command line) for the future. That way I can just plug in the info like title, version, and click GO.

    I am curious though, none of my games seemed to have sound in the simulator. Is that a simulator thing, or is sound currently not working in the conversion?

  • Yeah, my son is a huge as well. Good luck!

  • I think you need to get outside people to play it a bit. You have been working and playing this game for a while. What might seem easy to you, might be because of the fact that you know the game inside and out :).

  • WaterlooErik

    Here ya go. CAPX, plus the compiled BAR with and without webGL enabled.

    2 Behaviors: Destroy outside of layout and bullet are used.

    2 Sprites made within construct 2 (squares)

    Touch Object used.

    I believe the capx has webgl turned on when I saved it.

  • I wonder how much this will impact the Atari Arcade.

  • Thanks WaterlooErik

    How I found it was webGL was just making a basic app (A square sprite made in construct fires smaller square sprites by tapping the screen). Turn webgl on, nothing. Turn it off, it worked.

    I could recreate the capx in a few minutes if you want me too.

  • WaterlooErik can you let us know what is next? Like what the expected timeline is for getting apps approved, prize winners, payment,etc?


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • I'm working on a hidden item game. The framework of the game is all done, I'm really just missing some nice backgrounds to hide the items on. Shoot me a PM with your cost to do several 640x960 generic backgrounds of things like kids room, garage, retail store, in a cartoon style.

    I will pay for the images along with giving you credit and a link to your website in the app.

    The app will be going on Windows 8, iOS, Droid, Blackberry 10 and a few html5 portals.

    Thank You.

  • OK, the process was pretty painless. Got 3 games converted over in very little time. They all seemed to run really well on the simulator without webgl as well.

  • game 2 didn't work either. Is there a specific setting the full screen need to be on? WaterlooErik

    I also created a super simple app and went through creating the bar, I get the same results.

    Seems to be webgl

  • Well, game 1 wouldn't work in the simulator. I'm guessing no SpriteFont support. I'll try my other 2 that do not use spritefont.