ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • Yeah, in some of my bigger projects I do use groups and they do help.

    You are correct on the HTML anchors. The nice thing is you could jump from event sheet to event sheet with the click of a button.

    I don't use the search as much as I probably should, but even it only searches the current event sheet you are on. Unless I am mistaken.

  • Mipey

    Just curious if were ever able to add the "compare text" function to spritefont? My current project I built using just text objects, but want to build another version with spritefont for the platforms that support it. However, one part of of program uses the compare text of the text object. I don't mind doing some rewriting, just wanted to ask before I did :).

  • As the event sheets get longer and longer it becomes a little bit of a hassle scrolling up and down to get where you want to go.

    Would it be possible to do something where if you create a comment started with a hashtag, then a quick link to that section of the code becomes available in the UI. Maybe an additional top menu?

    For example my section of code that has Enemy AI, just before all the events I could put a comment of #EnemyAI This is all my enemy AI.

    Then in the menu bar #EnemyAI can be clicked and it jumps right to that code.

    Plus it would be nice if these are global, so no matter which event sheet you are on, you could bounce around between sheets as well.

    Thanks for listening :).

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  • AndyWatson Have you made sure the Mopub marketplace is shut off for you apps?

    Also, I did go ahead and create some in house ads in mopub to direct traffic to my other apps, those help with the fill rate as well.

    I really wish cocoon would just offer direct support to admob and iads without the need for the cumbersome MoPub.

  • I had to do this too. The default controls seemed backwards to me when going in reverse.

  • AndyWatson

    I have almost the identical scenario to you. My first game was done with eclipse, phonegap and the admob plugin. Life is good there. Fill rate is good and the payout is nice.

    My next 2 games I went with Concoon/mopub and I had a very similar problem to you. Low fill rates, ect. Basically what I did was turn off the Marketplace for those apps. I personally don't think the marketplace is worth it.

    So for my Droid apps, I only have the admob network running and it's around 88.8 percent fill for the last 14 days.

    My iOS apps I just have iAds working. Those fill rates are around 78% for the last 14 days.

    I am really hoping phonegap implements some kind of direct canvas because I love having the build control of using eclipse and xcode for my final builds.

  • Great, and your welcome.

  • YEah, it's been on the windows, apple and google stores for several months now. It was the first game I finished and published :).

  • My latest tutorial shows a way. Although the tutorial is about making buttons, I do show you how to open another layout.

  • The issue did seem to be something with the Metro plugin. I'm curious if anyone else using was able to pass certification. I was only using it to display ads and set a roaming storage. Once I removed it and went back to the official win8 plugin, the game pass the certification.

  • Create a new variable called pDifference for example.

    Set pDifference to abs(player1-Player2)

    abs gives the absolute value, so even -5 will return 5

  • Create Growing Sprite Buttons.

  • Ashley,

    I will try to resubmit without the metro plugs, the official plugin and just have ads always run and see if that clears it up. Thanks.

  • I'm updating one of my games, changing it to free and adding Ad support via the Metro plugin.

    I have never had the game lock up in my tests via the simulator or desktop. The App Certification passes the app with 0 issues. However the last 2 times I uploaded to Microsoft it fails stating the game locks up. The only thing I did to the game was add the Metro plugin.

    Off course they don't tell me where the game is locking up. Any advice?