ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • Ohh. I'm going to look into this right away. I'll post up here :).

  • Maybe everyone that wants a native exporter should start up a kickstarter to raise the funds to throw at someone to make it. I'd chip in :).

    However, I with the others. C2 is a HTML5 game making tool, and I am having a blast with it. Do I wish it exported natively to iOS? Damn right, hell I would would pay for that exporter right now. It is what it is though.

  • Same for me, I run it on my Windows 8 PC as well.

  • Good luck. Sometimes even just posting and typing out the issues can help you solve it. I don't know how many times I posted an issue, just to find a solution right after I post :).

  • Hmm, yeah I always run the latest beta of construct, sorry.

    What if you you first do a For Each Sheep, then a sub event with your If dog near sheep?

  • Instead of Set Angle Towards try Set Angle, to dog.angle

    It seemed to work for me, if that is what you are going for.


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Oh, I bet I have this problem on all of my apps.

    WaterlooErik, I need to make this change to the app still. I completely forgot about this.

  • We all do :)

  • dformer

    I only use Phonegap with simple games/apps. I build it through eclipse (for droid) and xcode (for ios) because it gives me more flexibility in the build. I can add any 3rd party sdk I want, in this case AdMob. I can also include, exclude permissions, etc.

    Also, in the past I used the Audio Latency plugin for phonegap to fix up laggy sound issues, however I didn't need to this time. I'm guessing the latest version of phonegap has solved that issue.

    Thanks for the nice words on my game, yes I did all the graphics myself. Except for the pictures, those were purchased.

  • Yes, I turned that option off in construct, exported to phonegap and built with eclipse and everything worked great. Going update my other app that's been on google play for a while. I had to make it not available to Droid os over 4.1. :)

    I should reiterate, this was only a problem when building with phonegap through eclipse. Not sure if it happens with phonegap build as well.

  • Well it's been several months but I ran into this issue again using phonegap and I finally figured it out. If you have Use Mouse Inputs enabled on your touch object, you get the touch event firing twice.

  • Updated the version on my site, fixing the Giraffe issue.

    why do you prefer landscape? Just curious really. Is it easier for your son to hold onto the tablet?

  • Oh, thank you. Probably the only word of that length, so I missed it :).

    I'll see if I can find a better work picture hehe

  • Just finished up my 3rd game in the series I am doing for kids. I have 2 small kids (7 and 4) so I enjoy making games they like to play.

    Let's Spell

    Now I will begin the process of getting it on iOS, Droid, Windows 8, Chrome Store, Mac Store, BB10 etc. I love HTML5 :).

    Using webstorage and arrays I was able to make the Bonus room with prizes. The prizes are purchased from coins you earn while spelling words. Local webstorage was used to remember what prizes you have and how many coins you have.

    If you notice a bug or anything, please let me know.


  • This is pretty awesome. Being part of the Competitive fighting game scene for several years now (I used to build custom sticks and I own an arcade where the local pro players meet and practice), I think it would be cool to make a new 2d fighting game. I am excited to watch the videos :).