ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • On the extensions page of the cloud compiler there is a link that says SIMPLE EXAMPLE that is what I used.

  • I got it working by just copying and pasting their example and adding in the info from mopub. I had to add an extra } at the end. They seemed to have left one out.

  • Great, let me know what you here.   I have all updated apps now that I guess are not serving ads. The one on itunes hasn't been reviewed yet, maybe I can get a new build up before it does.

  • Yeah, all I am getting is a MOPub test ad.

  • Ugg, I didn't realize it had changed and I compiled new versions of games without even looking.

    ludei, can you confirm if the old extension JSON setup still works as well?

    Mine looks like this.


        "moPubBannerUnitiPhone": "myID",

        "moPubBannerUnitiPad": "myID",

        "moPubBannerUnitAndroid": "myID"


  • Well that's a good point, would be cool if we could do a split intro screen that has our intro and Ludei on the same page. It's not the page I dislike, it's the fact that there is my splash screen, and then the ludei one, and then the game starts.

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  • I'm fine with paid, $50 a month might be a little steep however. Is it an available option now?

    The website doesn't mention anything about it.

    Oh, and when building now, under extensions, there is a list of check boxes. Do we need to check Box2d to get the direct canvas boost, or is that something different?

    Lastly, sprite font ALMOST worked in this latest build. Well, it doesn't just throw up a black screen anymore at least. All the objects were just white boxes. Man, if they got spritefont working, that would be amazing.

  • Awesome! Have they made it available it get rid of the CocoonJS splash screen yet?

    I know it's going to cost when it happens, but I haven't heard any info about it in a while.

  • Are you using any 3rd party plugins that might not be supported by CocoonJS?

  • As am I. No time lost, I learned some things in the process thanks to you :).

  • It's still missing the CordvaPlugin and I get the same results when I try to do the ./pendertools.

  • Sure

  • All the files seem to be older as well, still no CordovaPlugin and the file is also pointing the wrong location.

    I wonder if he just stopped work on the project? Seems to weird to post that he broke it, and that was the last post LOL

    Hopefully you can figure out how you got it working :).

  • Yup, was just thinking the same thing.

  • Haha, good timing. I was just looking at that exact line in eclipse and I was like, I don't see a cordavaplugin file anywhere. I know cordova is phonegap.

    Wink, is there any possible way you uploaded a zip that was accelerated some other way besides with pender?

    Anyway, so that post was 2 months ago. If it's broken, not sure what we can do but wait?