Aphrodite's Forum Posts

  • Just managed to get my game working. Couldn't get the icon working, nor could I get a space between the text of the app title.

    Finally, I was disappointed to discover that my app was running even slower than CocoonJS, and the volume controls didn't work at all for this game on my mobile device.

    AnD4D remember that this is a first beta experiment for C2 and this exporter, so it could improve with time

  • I must say I'd also like to be able to export events or event sheet on a image format or print format, or even something else. the reasons?

    -sharing easily events with logics

    -some people could do some documented exemples using directly the look of C2

    I know there is the classic way print screen then paste it, but it is inconvenient

    However, it is a thing I think is very low on my C2 wish list, could be cool, but not an obligation

    (perhaps maybe it is possible to do an online_event_sheet_XML_reader in C2, which would be fine too)

  • hierony :

    you can either add a ScrollTo behavior to an object, then move this object, or use the system action Scroll to position or scroll to object

  • Would this formula help to calculate your output based on your input?

    (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min

    LittleStain : I already have a working bar that returns an output in a workable value (from 0 to 1)

    And the formula between output in dB and input in % is not linear (so it is not as simple), I found the result as I said, the problem is I don't fully understand it (I found it because I know how it works, which is not really simple to know I must say)

  • I have a control bar that return a value between 0 and 1 (0 = lowest volume (aka : mute), and 1 = highest volume; We'll call this value V), but C2 uses decibels (we'll call it G);

    I did the formula:

    G = x*10*log(V)

    I found out that x ~= 10/3 ; but I don't understand if this is normal that x is different from 1, is that normal that there is a coefficient?

    EDIT: of course, if V = 0, the action will not occur, I don't want a math error because of -infinity

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  • I have also problems with chrome not updating the game sometimes (even if the offline.appcache has changed), If I really need to, I delete temporarly the offline.appcache, refresh, then add the offline.appcache back.

    I should not do that in order for this to work but I have to, It doesn't happen on other browser for me it seems though.

  • I don't think you can, and d�pending on the type of keyboard, unexpected result could happen, for exemple:

    for the '2' key, a qwerty keyboard will return 2 without Caps, and with caps, but in azerty, it'll return � without caps, and 2 with caps, so I am not sure you can do it easily

  • Good news! I think that I will buy the bundle at USD1.

    Upgrading to the new version 2.5 is only USD39. Quite good.

    Perhaps YoYo Games' recent USD25 to GameMaker Studio Standard has an impact on Clickteam.


    You can't seem to upgrade from a humble bundle serial key

  • Could you tell me what you did to resolve? Maybe im dumb (probably) but I cant seem to think of a simple way to trigger something to happen ONCE when a variable changes. Like "On Click" type events..

    Any time I use something like:

    - If x = 3 then

       -- do "Action A"

    it continually does Action A over and over and over again as long as x = 3... Other than manually programming another variable called "Action A complete" and then saying:

    - if x = 3

    - and action a is not complete

    -- Do Action A

    or maybe thats the only way?

    You can use the 'Trigger once while true' system condition maybe

  • It doesn't change the value, it just doesn't display it in the text when the value isn't converted to a string for the text, maybe because some rounding is in place exactly for those cases. Check out the debugger to see that the value of the variable is indeed this bandworm of a number, no matter how it is displayed.

    I know there are some very small computational inaccuracies in Construct, but I didn't think it would happen for additions :/ ***** a bit.


    It is not C2's fault, it is how computers work, because a decimal number, when converted to binary, has not always an ended number of decimals (Maybe there are also other problems in top of this), and so, they are rounded in the process, either way, try to keep that in mind when using a softtware that uses floats

  • Just thought it would be good to have more integer scaling options, crop, scale inner/outer etc. I don't see why it has to be letterbox only.

    A "crop" integer scaling would be weird, since crop doesn't scale

    You can do integer scaling yourself by using Crop (no automatic scaling), then do it with events like I did Here (can be improved a lot I think), but could be nice, but not many games will be able to use integer scaling other than letterbox I think.

  • DrewMelton :

    I tried something to have an "Integer scale outer" sort of thing in event, it need the Crop mode to be set for "fullscreen in browser", and to set the "Window Size" propriety into variables

    This mode will scale only on integers values, a,d will display everything on screen instead of the black bars, not every game will be good with this, since this has the same drawback as scale outer (aka showing maybe more that what you want to show)


  • I think having a Dictionnary with all ingame text, then load different values inside it depending on the language can be fine.

  • The low quality mode should be settable by the user I think, so he only uses it when needed.

    I think It is possible With the "Crop" fullscreen setting, and some events,to scale yourself only by integer values while having a "Scale outer" type of logic, but I am not sure how to do it exactly

  • Tekniko

    I suggest you to try the system condition 'Else' instead of (or with) the 'Is not visible'

    Your problem occurs because first:

    -Your sprite is visible, so the game unpause and make the sprite invisible

    -Then in the same tick, since it just became invisible, the game pauses and makes the sprite visible

    The Else condition will correct that