I can contribute here. I am 27 years old. I was working as a manager for a large e-commerce store in Sweden and had a good income. But I hated my job and everyday was like the day before. The problem was that I hated my job so much that it sucked all my energy and creativety out of me so when I came home I couldn't work on my games because I kept thinking that I was going back to work soon next day.
Things got worse and I couldn't sleep. I slept 1-2 hours a night at most and things didn't get better during the weekends. So finally my body gave up of exhaustion and my doctor told me I have to rest because my body was really messed up after months without sleeping.
So after this I decided to quit my job and start doing things I like doing. This was in March this year. So even before I had a plan or a game in mind I quit and started working on ideas. It was tough in the beginning and if you live in a country like Sweden like me where an average salary a month is about 2 550€ or 2 800$ you have to work really hard to afford to live here. So I freelanced and made websites and logos which kept me floating.
But even if it was rough I was a much happier person. Life finally feels fun and I got creative again. So when I had the idea for 8Bit Fiesta I just went for it and started working. I believed in the project and knew I would get it on Steam.
So here I am now, 5months later. With my own studio working with unity, unreal and C2. And will be releasing my first game on steam soon. So don't feel depressed
AySquirrel The game industry is one of the worlds largest and if you make a quality game you can make good money. Nobody can say you'll make this and that. It all depends on so many different parameters.
So keep working hard and by experience I would recommend (just my opinion) working towards PC and consoles instead of mobile. The mobile market is overflooded with clones and low quality garbage that it's really hard to make any real money there as it is right now. You can but it's really hard.
I got tired of seeing all the same developers releasing a new boring casual game every week (ketchapp) and hit the toplists all the time. So that is why I quit doing apps and targeted steam instead which feels so much easier to earn money from.
Anyway, I wish everyone a great developing career and a big success with all your games