Hi All,
I've previously published my C2 games to Google Play using Cordova/PhoneGap and Eclipse, embedding the AdMob sdk to deliver ads.
As CocoonJs gives me a far better frame rate, I published my last game (Chimpy Joe Flea Face) with CocoonJS in early December, using their MoPub ad plugin to serve up the ads.
Going the Eclipse route, I'm getting at least 98.95% fill rate, but using MoPub through CocoonJS I have been averaging a fill rate of just over 60%. This is quite frustrating and means I'm missing opportunities to make revenues.
In MoPub I've activated AdMob, InMobi, MobFox and also the MoPub Marketplace itself, but still a terribly low fill rate.
What's your experience of MoPub ad fills with your CocoonJS apps, are you getting similar rates? I haven't switched on any filters or ad blocking, so it looks like 60% is as good as it gets. I'm considering going back to Cordova and Eclipse, but will need to investigate how to tweak the performance first. It's a shame, because I think the CocoonJS game performance is way ahead of the competition.