andreyin's Forum Posts

  • I made a little prototype for you: ... order.capx

  • Well, for starters, your game is currently running in 1080p... and you're also using the "High Quality" fullscreen scaling option, so that might be it maybe?

    I have a Moto G and I have tested a game I made using CocoonJS, the game resolution is 720p and there's a WebGL effect that keeps changing the hue every second... and it still ran OK. (around 50-60fps I believe).

    edit: by the way, I'm not sure what is supposed to be happening in the game, but if by "slow" you mean that the ball is falling down too slowly, you just have to change the gravity of the platform behavior on it... and you can also use "simulate control left" and "simulator control right" instead of setting the ball's position to X+dt*200..

  • First, keep in mind that the random() expression picks a random number - if you input something like random(1) it will pick a number between 0 and 1 (like 0.222, 0.784, etc).

    If you read the expression like it was a math problem, you'll understand better.

    What happens first is that a random number is generated between 0 and 1 - then this number is multiplied by 4.

    Let's say the random number is 0.7!

    0.7 * 4 = 2.8, right?

    Then we have floor(2.8+1). So of course, 2.8 + 1 becomes 3.8, right?

    Then there's the floor() expression that is used to round down a number. If you use floor(3.8) it will round it down to 3.

    So, what the code is saying (in this example) is that the game should go to Layout "Lvl 3" - the & is used to append text (in this case, the "Lvl " text to the "3" number", becoming "Lvl 3".

    There are multiple ways you could do this. Check out the expression page for more expressions like that:

  • I tested it here and the .capx is running fine.

    Did it crash like that on older C2 versions also? How much RAM have you got?

    What did happen here is that C2 took a while to load your game because there are like 20 tabs open at the same time...

  • andreyin - any chance the code from blackhornet is posted on the forum? I couldnt find anything.. Thanks!

    Probably this one:

    Yes, that's exactly it!

  • Phew, thanks! I seriously thought that I would have to rewrite the entire thing and that I was the one messing it up haha. Cheers!

  • Problem Description

    I've been using a piece of code by blackhornet to make the music in my game fade out/in.

    This works just fine on versions up to r196.2, but on the recently released version r197, it's broken. It's probably related to the "Audio: unable to set music volume in Chrome for Android" bugfix.

    Attach a Capx ... Test3.capx

    Description of Capx

    The .capx contains the piece of code used to fade the songs.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1 - Run .capx

    Observed Result

    Next song never plays.

    Expected Result

    The next song should play when the fade is over (db is -30)

    Affected Browsers

    All of them.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win 8.1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Beta r197

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  • If you ever saved the .capx to dropbox, you can go to and click the trash can icon. It will show any deleted files. Then you just have to click the file you want to restore and it will do it.

  • Hi everyone,

    I've been meaning to ask this for a while.. is there an option in C2 that allows me to see what changes I've made to the game? I think you can achieve this by using git and the likes, but if I did that, would I still have to type in all the changes I've made to the game every time I pushed it to git?

    In any case, I'm running into some trouble because sometimes I keep working all day long then change a line of code quickly or accidentally, and totally forget about it later, only to keep breaking my head for 2 hours straight to figure out what went wrong.. if there was a way for me to see the things I've changed in more detail.. the undo button lists a few, but there's no detail at all.

    For instance, if I resize an object it just tells me I've resized 1 object, not what object it was, or how it was before i resized it..

    Anyway, any help is appreciated! If there's a good way to keep track of this, I'm all ears!

  • Circular shooter — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>Inspired by Super Hexagon, Trish is a circular bullet hell shooter. In this template you can spin your ship around and aim for the high score.</p><p>WARNING - You can modify and use this template freely but DO NOT USE THE MUSIC unless you get permission from the original composer (Octabitron)!</p><p>Try it out online right now -

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Circular shooter

  • Hate to bump an old thread like this but this bug is still present on r195.. It really sucks that I can't just cancel the importing, and I lost a bit of code due to that. This always happens when I make sounds on SFXR then import them...

  • Seeing the answer in the thread, it seems to be a miscommunication issue from the user.

    It was, my bad!

  • Nutzaboutpoker

    Oh! I'll contact you then. Cheers!

  • Hi,

    Yesterday I got 2 reply notifications on a thread I made and when I went to check on them, there wasn't anything. After posting about it, an user told me he had posted, so I don't know why it isn't showing for me..

    This is the thread:

    And here's a print of what I'm seeing:

    I have adblock turned off for Scirra's website so I'm not sure what's causing that. I've also tried using Chrome on incognito so no plugins are activated, but still nothing. I've also tried using another browser (IE).

  • Check out my post right before yours....



    Well now that's weird, your post isn't showing for me.

    Maybe it's a forum bug? I don't have adblock turned on here so I'm not sure why it isn't showing..

    Do you mind contacting me by either PM or email?