andreyin's Forum Posts

  • I've searched around the thread but I couldn't get this to work:

    I'm trying to take a screenshot of the whole layout. If I press P, Chrome downloads the test.png file but I can't open it. Not sure if I'm missing something, any help?

  • Great work!! I've been through the same and I know exactly what it is like. I don't think there's any kind of school that can teach this kind of thing, so it really is a great learning experience like you said.

    Good luck with your next projects!

  • OK so I've put together a build that's basically just Airscape's objects without any events, layouts, families, etc. tried it on a mac and it red-bars literally every time. So at least we have a repro.

    Reckon you could point me towards a good place to put that so the NW people can get on it? Are they OK with getting C2 projects?

    You can actually find out what's going on if you add

    "toolbar": true[/code:368yldo1]
    To your package.json. Then start your game, click what looks like a "settings" icon and go to the "console" tab. The error will be listed there.
    The first time it happened to me I learnt that my game was trying to load the wrong settings file, so I fixed it and it worked. But the second time it happened to me I had some crazy issues - I contacted Ashley and he suggested I could try a clean reinstall of both C2 and Node-Webkit, so I deleted everything, installed the latest C2 (r200), Node-Webkit 10.5 on the right folder (the folder name changed after r198 or something I think) and it worked!
  • Thanks for the info!

    By the way, anyone having luck with windowed/fullscreen mode on OSX and Linux? I'm using the browser plugin to get it working in Windows, but on OSX the game has black bars around it and on Linux nothing happens...

    Welp, doing a clean reinstall of C2 like Ashley said and using the NW 0.10.5 that got me, I was able to make the game work! Thanks for the help guys!

    Yeah, the game was running directly from Steam. After some messing around I'm thinking that what caused that to happen was that I had updated node-webkit to 0.11, and tested it working just fine on Windows without testing if it was working OK with OSX.

    Unfortunately after rolling back all the changes (greenworks plugin to 10.5 and node-webkit to 10.5), the game still works fine on Windows, but on OSX it just closes itself after opening up, without any errors. I'd love to see some errors so I can look around...

    I searched a bit and found posts about having to chmod the file so it would get the permissions back, but that didn't seem to work. I'm wondering, what version of Node-Webkit/Greenworks plugin are you using, and does it work just fine for all the exports (Linux and OSX)?

    Thanks once again for the help!

    edit: after some searching around, I tried running the game from the terminal to see if it would specify the error.

    It says "dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found" and says it's referenced from greenworks-osx32.node. I honestly have no idea what this could mean. ):

    edit2: and now the weirdest thing - I removed the greenworks plugin just to see if the game would run OK without it, but it doesn't. If I open it, the loading percentage gets stuck and red. I tried once again running the terminal to see what was the error, and apparently each line there's an error about not being able to load the images.

    The error starts with "Warning: shared memory creation failed; out of file descriptors" repeated over and over, then it proceeds to try and load the images giving out an error for each one. My guess is that something in the new versions of Construct is clashing with the old Node-Webkit, but I don't even know if that is possible... I honestly wish I could just update everything and it would work but I don't think there's a greenworks plugin for the latest version of nw.js (the one that got rid of the hiccups), right? Maybe I could just apologize to OSX users and turn off the achievements for the time being...

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    OSX users are getting this error when trying to run my game:

    I'm not sure how to fix it, the libsteam_api.dylib seems to be in the right place like mentioned (Contents/Resources/app.nw) and I remember it was working before, so I'm not sure what's going on... anyone have any idea? Any help or suggestion is appreciated!

  • andreyin

    I extended my rex_text_properties behavior to set wrapping of official sprite font object.

    Sample capx

    Dang, that's awesome! I'll try it out later and post on the official thread, thanks!!

  • Hi

    Do you managed to get it work?

    Yep, it's working just fine after r198.

  • andreyin

    I've done quite a bit with Chinese in Construct.

    Are you going to use a sprite font? Because that's the only text type object that supports custom widths for each character like a space with "0" width. If you do, your font is going to be HUGE unless you're implementing a very limited subset of Chinese/Japanese.

    Yep! Someone helped me out translating my game to chinese, and they also made a list of all the characters used, so it's fine though. Here's a picture of what the sprite font looks like if you're curious:

    Thankfully my game isn't text-heavy, so it's fine. The solution I mentioned worked just fine, it was a bit annoying to space out all the characters in the game text but it's working out great!

  • Hello,

    Currently I'm implementing Chinese characters into my game, and I ran into this problem - when you write in Chinese (and in Japanese I think?) you don't space out the characters, so I would have to set the wrapping option of my sprite text to "character". So far so good, but my game also uses other latin languages, and it just looks plain ugly when the wrapping is set to "character".

    I already though of a "hack" of sorts - I'm thinking of having a "space" character set to 0 width, and add it in between every Chinese character that's in the text. It's quite a big hack so I decided to ask first if implementing something like this in C2 would be possible before actually doing it...


  • I used a similar code for one of my games: ... ndy/31814/

    And it works as intended...

    Edit: my bad, I took a look at the code and instead of checking "gamepad 0 left analog Y axis > 0: move down" I'm using "gamepad 0 left analog Y > 20: move down". I think I had a similar problem so instead of using the gamepad object's deadzone I change the 0 to 20. Up would be "gamepad 0 left analog Y < -20" for instance...

  • Problem Description

    Global objects cannot be save stated.

    Attach a Capx ... jects.capx

    Description of Capx

    Run the .capx and press OK to go to the next layout. Press OK again to load the state created when you first started the game, then OK once more to go to the second layout one more time - the global sprite that was there before is gone.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Create a global object on a layout that's not the first one (apparently it works just fine if the global object is in the first layout)
    • Save state the game
    • Load the state

    Observed Result

    Global object is not loaded, nowhere to be seen.

    Expected Result

    The global object should be on the same position it was when the state was saved.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: YES

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • RenatoB

    IIDs are only for the same object - UIDs are for all the objects from the entire game.

    Yeah, you could make something like "on start of layout -> for 0 to 3 -> Create Sprite at random positions -> Set sprite frame to (loopindex)

  • RenatoB

    When you "append" something to a text object, it will add what you want after the current text.

    If you have a text object with "Hello" written on it and append " world" after it (with the space), you would get "Hello world".

    If you have a text object with "Hello" written on it and used SET TEXT with " world", the text would erase and become " world".

    The sprite IID is the instance ID that it has when it's created. If you notice, all the sprites with numers are the same sprite, just with different animations. When the game starts it loads these sprites one by one, and each one has a single IID, from 0 to 3. The str() expression converts this number into a string, and the append adds it to the text object.