andreyin's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    Every time I try to lerp an effect parameters, it just won't work. Not sure if this is possible.

    What I'm trying to do having a water effect gradually appear using lerp. So I have something like:

    Every tick - set layout effect parameter 4 to lerp(0,30,3*dt)

    But nothing happens. I tried different parameters too, and they all work if I set it to a regular number, but not to lerp. Weirdly enough, it doesn't work even if I do something like


    every 0.5 seconds - add 1 to varWaterEffect

    every tick - set layout effect parameter 4 to varWaterEffect

    Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or it's a bug or it's just not supported. Thanks!

  • I'm not sure since I've never messed with this, but doesn't it mean changing the "version" parameter of the project's property?


  • Have you looked into Ren'py? As much as I love C2, Ren'py is great for Visual Novels.

    Also, are any of the positions paid? I'm a coder and I'd love to tackle something like this.

    andreyin In the "app admin" page for your game there's a tab called "Stats + Achievements", I think you have to manually add in "New Achievements" through that. Did you add them in there before you tried? I'm guessing you just reference the achievement name?

    I have added the achievement there, but I'm not sure what I should put in the action in C2. It says to add the "achievement name" but the options I have are the ID (1/0), API name (s1) and display name (Secret 1).

    Edit: I had to use the API name. I got it to work. Thanks a bunch for this!!

    Hey Ashely, ,

    I couldn't get it to work. I'm wondering, what do I have to put on the "activate achievement" action? The API name or the ID?

  • I've had a laptop with Windows 7 and Intel HD 3000, my game worked just fine with the DXinstaller that is bundled with Node-Webkit when you export it... weird. And I use a few WebGL effects. The only part that was slower in the game was a big area that had like 3 or 4 WebGL effects running at the same time. I fixed it by downscaling the game and changing the quality.

    On the other hand, I just can't get the OSX version of Node-Webkit to use the WebGL effects on the Intel HD 3000. I thought that the drivers OSX was using were old, so I was hoping that with Yosemite it would be fixed. Haven't tested yet.

    Nice!! Just in time for me too, now I can add achievments + cards to my game for the next update. Thanks so much Ashley!

  • I've been using it since the day I started this thread and I'm pretty impressed. My PC isn't very good, but Win10 runs flawlessly. I like the new features like the new alt+tab window (if you hold alt+tab you can close the windows you want in it), the big notification that it uses instead of the balloon tip notification for items in the taskbar and the new snap-to option - if you drag a window to a border it snaps there (that's nothing new) BUT it shows every other window on the empty space, and you if you click one it fills the empty space with that window.

    So far it's been a good experience. My only problem now is that I've just ordered a new motherboard that apparently has no drivers for Win 8.1.... Hopefully I won't have to roll back to Win 7 or something. ):

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  • Anyone using the Win10 Technical Preview? If so what do you think of it? Is it stable?

    I'm downloading it right now but I still have to do a full backup before installing it..

  • You also don't need "Sprite, On created: Sprite, Set animation frame to random(0,2)", you can put just "Sprite, Set animation frame to random(0,2)" under the "create object" line.

  • Bumping with more work

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  • I have a question about Fullscreen and Node-Webkit.

    Are these 2 options the same? Or does Node-Webkit not support different types of fullscreen requests, only the one that you've set on the project properties?

    I ask because, when used with Node-Webkit, only the project properties seem to matter. Changing the option on the browser plugin to "scale inner" or whatever won't affect anything. I looked around the Node-webkit plugin but there was no such option (I think).

    The problem I'm having is that I want to use the "scale inner" fullscreen mode, but not on the main menu as it distorts the graphics a bit. Not sure how to handle this.


  • Took me a while but I found a way to do it - using this program I was able to open the .ttf font by going to Font -> Metrics -> Advanced and clicking the "Calculate automatically". Then I just saved and reinstalled the font. Now the "regular" options shows up and works perfectly on the SpriteFont Generator.

  • You can update and still export to CocoonJS - just right-click the export options window and choose "show deprecated exporters".

  • This has come up before:


    > I've had another look, and I've come to the same conclusion. I can't control the aliasing mode - MS just doesn't provide the control. There's nothing wrong with v1.x. I just couldn't provide the outline support in the older framework. It still works fine when absolute control over aliasing is required.


    As for the Bold issue, again, the font dialog is a MS dialog that I have no control over. I tried the same font, and it insists on reporting Bold. There's not much I can do about this I'm afraid.

    That's too bad... I'll find another font then. Still, thanks for this tool!