andreyin's Forum Posts

  • I've also been thinking about this. Living in Brazil my only options are the Xbox One and the PS4, and since the Universal Apps thing is on it's way, I'm thinking about asking Sony for a devkit for my company.

    Sorry to borrow this thread too but could you also PM me tomsstudio ?

  • I recommend using Tiled instead of C2's own tilemap tool to draw the tilemaps. The shortcuts are almost the same (x to flip tiles, etc) and the only big change is that the right mouse button selects a bunch of tiles and to erase them you have to press E to select the eraser tool.

    Thanks for the heads up Ashley!

  • System -> Layer is Visible (then use the name of your layer) -> set objects drag and drop on

    Else -> set objects drag and drop off


    Maybe you could start a new thread ? It seems important to me that Ashley responds to the recent posts regarding MadSpy's work, although not that important to Ashley obviously.

    Sorry, you're right. Maybe Ashley or a mod could clean up the whole thread..

  • I started out by making rough drafts of the levels on a notepad, but in the end I did most of my game directly in C2. Once you've got the basic scenery it's a bit better since you can actually test everything while you work on it.

  • I waited for like 3 months before they replied saying it was impossible because I'm located in Brazil.

    Even if they deny you, you can still reach out to other devs who have a license and see if you can have them publish it for you.

  • Try Construct 3

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    2/3 projects I have worked on are successful on steam. (Ace of spades, Running with Rifles) It is not as hard as some people think. It just takes hard work is why most people are failing.

    Just wondering, what was your role on Ace of Spades?

  • Really cool!! Can't wait for this, I'll probably use it to make a game for my old man

  • How did you revert? Did you choose to uninstall previous installations of C2 when reverting? This is probably caused by having 2 of the same plugin/behaviors on the same folder. I'm think that when you reverted or installed the most recent C2 you didn't pick the option to uninstall previous versions.

  • What problem are you having exactly?

  • Dear Brashmonkey, not that this should be the way, but assuming your method work, This will have to do.

    Now...How DO you URL Load images into a separate frame or animation as you have said ?

    I think he means adding more empty frames to your sprite object, then before you set "load image from URL" you first set the frame you want. You should also make the animation speed 0 beforehand.

    So it would look like this

    From 1 to 10

    -Set sprite animation frame to loopindex

    -load image from url

  • Yes you can, using the greenworks plugin. That thread is completely messy though, and no one knows for sure how to get it to work sometimes. Ashley is holding off an update until a proper release of the new NW which will (hopefully) have less problems with hiccups.

    You have to use Node-Webkit 0.10.x if you want it to run well and use the greenworks plugin. You can do so by either looking around in that thread or installing a old version of C2 that came bundled with it, then you just have to replace the files in the NW 0.12.x folder. After that you can install and try the plugin.

    Also you cannot preview while using the plugin, you'll have to export your game to try it out. Also read that threads first post to see the instructions, the .txt part is important.

  • I've been thinking about this in the past and I think I figured out a way, but it still seems a bit "hacky".

    The way I'd do it we would have 3 objects. The shadow, the object the shadow should cast from (we'll call it the player), and an invisible object that would bind the two together.

    Then what you'd actually be controlling would be this invisible object, not the player. This way you could pin the shadow and the player to this object, and when the player wanted to jump you'd unpin him, make the jump, then pin again when he's done.

    About families, if you want to create the same shadow sprite to each object of the family, it's simple - at the start of the layout, create a "For each (ordered)" for the family. This will run through each object in the family that's currently in the layout, then you can use actions like "For each (ordered) familyname -> create "shadow" at familyname.x familyname.y -> Pin "shadow" to familyname.x familyname.y".

    Be sure to order it by familyname.iid too.

    Of course, there's probably a better way, but that's how I'd do it.

  • Conditional expression(under operators).

    object.X > player.X ? 1 : -1[/code:2mxk200a]

    Oh wow that's handy. Thank you!