andreyin's Forum Posts

  • If you have an event that's like "var1 > var2", this event will keep happen every tick when var1 > var2.

    The green arrow means that the event is a trigger, so it indeed does trigger only once, but you if you have one in a sub-event like this:

    var1 is less than var2

    |- trigger event

    Since var1 is less than var2, the trigger will keep occurring every tick also.

    If you want to check if var2 is less than var1 and then only trigger it once, you have to use the system event "trigger once while true". So it would look like this:

    var1 is less than var2

    trigger only once - do action

  • GG-Works

    Even if you still had your Xbox One, you could only use it to test your game. To actually deploy it to MS you need to be in the iditi@xbox group, but it's very simple to get into it. You just get in touch with MS and show them your game, if they approve it then you get access and then you can get a devkit, which is much much better than using a retail Xbox One in dev mode.

    That being said, you still need to wait for a plugin by Ashley so you can use achievements and such, and so far no UWP games have been released on the Xbox One store (at least I'm not aware of any).

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  • Yes, sub-events are the way to go. Click on any event and press "b", it'll create a sub-event.

  • Congrats!!

    I really like

    You can also set your game as a draft or restricted there, instead of public.

  • Criticism is fine, but getting your game in one of the 3 main consoles out there right now should be more important than leaving it out because you dislike a company.

    In fact, if you follow this line of thinking why would you release your game on Windows anyway?

  • Just add the rotate behavior and the bullet behavior to an object

  • I like the effect you're using on the lava, it's the same effect they use in the water in Where's My Water, right? Really cool.

  • I like using WSAD+12 / Arrows+<>

    But you're better off making the controls customizable, because not all keyboards are QWERTY..

  • Awesome!! This is great news.

    in your list you didn't mention the steamworks version being used, maybe that's it? You can't use the newer one.

  • Ashley would you please pin this thread so it gets more attention? It's been 10 days since anyone posted on it so it's falling behind..

    has anyone got the 0.15 version to run on mac and linux?

    I have, but the mac version is really finnicky. Sometimes you open it up and it works just fine, others the game is stuck with a red text when trying to load. :\</p>

  • Use Gamepad.LastButton to check what was the last button pressed.

  • Did you try using Canvas+ in CocoonJS? Just click the settings button in the project page in their website and change the webview engine to Canvas+.