AndreasR's Forum Posts

  • Hey Jook00

    I have set it up with this guide ... r-cocoonjs

  • Hi,

    I have a problem i cannot fix <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad"> I have some micro laggs in my game. I have identify the problem with the wall creation (i guess ).

    Please test this to see it on your own: ... se.levicat

    Every time the cat passes the obstacle a new one will be created out of the game and the passed will be destroyed if they reach x = -100 px.

    But nearly ever when a new obstacle was created i got a "micro lagg" <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

    I also tried these tips. ... bile-games

    Still the same issue.

    Some information:

    • Compiled with CocoonJS (Canvas+, 2.0.0-bate, same with 1.4.7)
    • Tested without any other objects, just the cat and the walls (same isseu)
    • FPS 60-63
    • Active objecs about 30-45

    Can anybody help me? Or have anybody a better way to handle the wall creation?

    Big thanks to you all looking into that <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Thanks a lot for your comment.

    Yes i've already compiled a project with the new compiler. But i dont' see any diffrent in my game. Performance still the same <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    I red that Canvas+ is the best option for HTML5 GAmes.

    [quote:jfjuba6y]But, let’s explain a bit more about this new version. With CocoonJS 2.0 you can compile your project in the Canvas+ -our accelerated canvas, the best choice to accelerate your game-

    You find the post here

    and more information here

    But does it make any diffrent to the performane of the game exported with construct 2??

  • Hi guys,

    A few days ago ludei has released their new cloud compilier CocoonJS 2.0 supporting Canvas+

    What is the diffrent to box2D? Are they even comparable? Does construct 2 support Canvas+?

    A lots of questions, but have anyone the answers?

    Maybe they will release the construct 2 update soon. Maybe they just have waited for version 2.0 of CocoonJS

    Do anybody know more about the construct 2 plugin update?

  • Hi guys,

    I want to insert a online radio (or podcast) as background music. Is this possible? And if yes, how?

    Thanks a lot

  • hey best of luck for you game !!

    Thanks a lot my friend

  • Hi guys,

    I'm glad to indroduce you my first little game on google play store. I used CocoonJS to create the apk-files. It bases on flappybird.

    How to play

    Just click the "tap here to play" button and fly by tapping the touchscreen.


    Download (free)

    Google Play Store


    Follow us on facebook!

    I also plan to integrate the google play games service, but this option isn't available at the moment, so stay tuned and let me know what you think about it.

    If its not available in your country just write a comment and i'll publish it in your country


    Thanks for wall-e sharing his beautiful artwork!

  • Thanks

  • Thanks ikke2902,

    Great job, but i want to save numbers like scores in an array. Do you also know how to do this??

  • Hi,

    Thanks. I've already have red about this option. But i don't know how to use it.

    I usea global text variable "game" with three stats.

    • start
    • play
    • finish

    On start of Layout it will be set to "start". Here the game should load the variables stored in the webstorage and array (as far the exist). If the player starts the game with the play button the value will be set to "play". If he dies the value will be set to "finish". Here the game should safe the values of all global variables.

    Do you know how to handle this? I currently use the save and load function but this causes many "problems".

    Thanks a lot!

  • Thanks for your input. I'll try it as soon as possible

  • Can nobody tell me how i can save my global variables in an array and webstorage?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • You have to wait for the update of the CocoonJS Plugin to the latest version. Than there will be tutorials of some smart guys you can follow

  • Same question here

  • Hi,

    i've tried to create a sprite with two frames (set & unset). I gave this sprite a Boolean OnSound and added a global variable Sound (int. 1). The on/off function works, but something is strange with the sounds. It doesn't play normally. It sounds like every tick the sounds startet from new.

    I don't know what to do.. Maybe someone can help me. Here you find my sample project. Feel free to post your improvments and tipps!

