Altermattego's Forum Posts

  • Really interested to hear how anyone's attempt at doing this has gone or some feedback from the Construct developers themselves.

  • Yeah Space bar toggles the layer visibility.

    I think I’m about 75% understanding now, enough to perhaps start learning to seperate left and right inventories by type and create a storage box of some kind and transfer an item between the two. All new and exciting things to learn.

    I was looking to perhaps create a seperate array or file to store all the games items/descriptions and reference it if a condition matches which I believe would save me from putting 200+ descriptions in individually using other methods.

  • lionz i got it to stop by only allowing the creation if the inventory slot is not overlapping an inventory item object. win...

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  • Thanks, unfortunately creates additional issues destroying every inventory item object when dropping the last item on a pile.

    I'll play around with it for a bit and see if i can come up with something.

    I really appreciate your time to show me how to create a functional array for inventory use.

  • This has worked incredibly argh, lionz thank you!

    One issue i've generated however (i searched for a solution however found a few old posts from yourself helping others with similar issues)

    The inventory object spawns endlessly and the only once rule doesn't seem to work in this context...

  • i appreciate your time lionz!

    Looking good so far i was able to adapt your instructions to my group of items to the array.

    just gotta work out how to adapt your inventory text/drop to my own inventory visuals.

  • lionz you wouldnt happen to have a working example describing what you've written would you?

  • Thanks for the support lionz. I do really need to get my head around Arrays and it’s functions. It appears so simple, I’ve given it a few cracks but I’m not finding it the case.

  • winstreak i appreciate your videos, i followed them both for a single item however there must be something im doing wrong as I cannot get them to stack. Note: I did use different objects to seperate in_game vs inventory on screen.

    I also tried to implement families for a larger group of items however failed also.


  • I’ll check that out after a sleep. Cheers! Thanks in advance.

  • I have also been trying to work on this.

  • If anyone can rate me on a scale on 1-10 how close i am to succeeding or failing in creating an inventory (1 being failing), my pet project on One Drive is [here =!ArPmy3wHxvqIhV3BeOw6ACNdMh9d?e=dC666b]

    So I've read and attempted probably every community article, comment, tutorial and youtube video 10 times over in the past 5 weeks on inventories or learning arrays etc. (I've spent many nights watching Bliskins YT Tutorials) only to get stuck every time on the same function. there just seems to be so many methods out there but I cant get a single one to work. So i give in, and I am asking the community for help so that I may learn.

    I am unable to wrap my head around arrays and json files, its like learning another language on top of another language.

    I am failing at the act of game item 'upon collision' with the player (not mouse click), add the item to the player inventory, to show the inventory image, to stack properly. to use keyboard navigation to select and action (drop,use etc.).

    I have the inventory visuals, space to open, arrows to navigate. would love tools on the left and resources on the right.

    I have got it to collect on mouse click, however stacking only works sometimes and unable to transfer this to 'on collision' and i've had minor success tutorials using dictionaries however this seems extremely tedious adding a bunch of events for every single item, i feel like adding to an array or file to be loaded in seems more efficient.

    This is my first anything, i am learning as i go and i feel like i've come pretty far in 6 weeks since knowing nothing however i've tried to tackle the inventory for 5 of those weeks and feel like i am no closer.

    If anyone is skilled enough & has the time to mess around with my file, feel free to delete/modify etc. I'm keep to learn from live examples.

    (Side note: Not a big deal however also struggling to get animal animations to smoothly update with their walking direction [also more than 1 of the same animals seem to sync their animations despite moving in opposite directions])

  • Ok so .c3p link below on One Drive, i've recreated the issue from my project.

    I am using families to create a group behavior to wander around randomly. I have instance variables set up to identify the state (idle/walk) and the direction of the base sprite.

    The issue i've hit is that all the animations for that family are in sync (all face left/right at the same time).

    is there a way around this? for the instance to be different to the unique id or something? but a way to generalize is so that i don't have to program every single sprite?

  • even better. thank you. not sure how to mark this query as solved. but yeah all works well now thank you

  • You are amazing. thanks a million. all is working, i new it had to be something so simple that i stuffed up.

    Player Sprite behaviour is now only 'Pin" to the Direction Box Sprite

    Direction Box Sprite has 'solid' + 'scroll to' + '8 direction'