akaButters's Forum Posts

  • I'm in the same boat as the pug... :)

    I started using Construct 2 within Parallels 7 and it ran pretty well (newer 2012 MacBook Pro). But the opportunity came around to pick up a Windows 7 laptop so I have started doing everything on that now.

    But I would never turn down a port of C2 for OS X. Never. ;)

    But I would also rather see more functionality go into the current build rather than see Ashley do what some of the other tools have done and split their effort between multiple platform builds and see new functionality suffer.

    It's a French Bulldog :P (but ppl think he's a pug)

    I agree with you 100%. Given Scirra's small team size, I would much rather see more effort on features than a Mac port.

    Also to add, yes I also run it in Bootcamp for better performance.

  • Wink: is your browser firefox ?

    Try to set event2 => TiledBackground.X to TiledBackground.X - int(60*dt)

    The int() function makes it so that the result of the operation is always an integer (not a float).

    This seems to make the "gap" disappear".

    Wouldn't setting the "rounded pixel" option solve the gap problem because it auto rounds all pixel locations from floats to int? (It's in the project properties I believe.)

  • I think some Mac users successfully run Construct 2 with Parallels.

    I've used C2 with parallels 7 and it works great.

    I have yet to meet a Mac owner that doesn't use either Parallels or Fusion to run windows programs.

  • I used


    and in the same event


    To prevent the pause button to get paused also.

    I also used a boolean toggle value to get the menu on and off and it worked really well.

    This is good info to remember. I forgot among all the reading I have done that you can set timescale on a per object basis.

  • I tried it out also. It seems the focus for the controls was in the login text area up above. I tried various ways to make the key controls focus on the game but it never worked. This was using Chrome on Win7.

  • I know this may be slightly off topic...

    I ran one of the online Scirra demo games in the mobile safari on an iPod Touch 2nd Gen (yes 3 years old now!) , and I was getting 30 fps easily. That's without directCanvas, CocoonJS, etc.

    Why not just package your HTML5 game using PhoneGap with a WebView and call it a day? Sure AppMobi or Ludei will give you higher fps, but is it worth all the glitches or headaches?

    Just my uniformed two cents on the subject.

  • But from curiosity I did search the net for a pirated version and got rather suprised, because I couldn't find any. It is really interesting, and what could be a reason?

    Honestly, you're THAT bored.

    I've spent 8 consecutive days learning C2. How about writing a nice tutorial for us "Non Early Adopters" (yes I also bought it) instead of starting a big flame topic like this one.

    I'm sure there is a pirated version out there, but these guys deserve to get paid for the awesome work they've done.

    Sorry, I find your post moronic at best!

  • Thanks for the info. Made me actually look at some of the code behind the standard behaviors and plugins in JavaScript. :)

  • Yeah, I keep putting off getting my hands dirty with the (lack of real) debugging issue in C2.

    I know there's a couple of user made debugging plugins available, but I haven't played with them yet.

  • A fine distinction as to where to click, but thanks for the proper usage.

    As this may be the intended behavior, it's probably not a bug then.

    Maybe the default "disable" should be the one you just taught me?

    Anyhow, thanks for the heads up.

  • A disabled trigger still allows the actions to happen. This logically shouldn't happen.

    Tried it with several trigger types, and the results were consistently the same.

    Picture of the error:

    <img src="http://akabutters.com/trigger_error.png" border="0">

    Project File (with the above event in it)

    System Info: Windows 7

    Browser: Latest Chrome

  • App.JS does not look like a compelling alternative yet.

    I looked at it myself last night (while the C2 servers went down)...

    It looks VERY early in the dev stages, and the reason I bought C2 is because of how polished and "stable" it seems. Please don't destabilize C2 by making early jumps onto something like AppJS.

    (And I am a Mac user, so I would want this Mac export, but not at the cost of stability of C2.)

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  • Good info. Thanks for that in case I go the CocoonJS route.

  • Thanks for the great info. Much appreciated.

  • Thanks a lot. That's what I needed to know.