akaButters's Forum Posts

  • Out of curiosity, what makes the Preview build "worse" than the Export build? (I know I read in the Manual to avoid using the Preview build as your final build.)

  • try exporting again without minifying.

    I didn't know this was an option in C2. I haven't seen it in preferences. How do you disable minification?

    (I assumed minification was part of C2's internal build process using the Google Closure compiler... so do you disable it using some sort of command line flag to C2 or to the Compiler?)

  • B:: This app stopped responding during the review and we couldn't complete the review of it.

    The other responses are really useful to know, thanks. But did you guys not notice the really important one about the app crashing?

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  • Taking my own advice, I created the event condition to bounce bullets only off objects (in this case a Block) on the same layer. Here it is for anyone that may want it:

    <img src="http://akabutters.com/bullet_override.png" border="0" />

    But it would be way better if there was property in the Bullet behavior to set the layer with which the bullet will bounce off of.

  • As I'm learning Construct 2, I tried out the "Bouncing Bullets" example.

    I tried to see if layers affect the "Bounce Off Solids" option in the Bullet Behavior.

    Apparently bullets will bounce off solids in other/all layers. Since I am new to C2, I assume this is on purpose.

    But it would make a lot more sense if bullets on one layer only bounced off the solids in the same layer.

    Obviously an event could be written to modify this behavior, but maybe it can be included in the default behavior. Or as another option in the behavior?

    Just a thought.

    Thanks much for a great tool that I am very glad I bought.

  • Hey Everyone, just wanted to Introduce myself.

    As my profile says:

    iOs dev since Apple's AppStore opened.

    Web & backend systems dev for 10+ years before that.

    Comic book colorist for Image & DC for 5+ years before that.

    So basically I'm pretty comfortable creating both art and code.

    I'm very impressed with Construct 2, so I have been learning it. I find it a lot of fun to use.

    So, it's nice to be part of this community.

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