adamcreator's Forum Posts

  • It would have been faster for me to close and reopen the project after an export before doing any further work that I want to save. Can this be fixed in the next update? It's been several hours now. ("Working (0%)...")

  • The latest Greenworks addon for C3 I use is 0.60.0 because I read in C3/Steam export guides that NW.js version 0.60.0 is the latest one that works well in testing on Steam, instead of failing to load or Achievements not working, but I notice that Greenworks 0.60.0 doesn't feature an action to determine the completion percentage/value of an Achievement, for Achievements that I want to show progress for, it only lets us 'Activate achievement' 100%.

    I hope there's a way to do Achievement completion percentages/values, such as by using a later version of Greenworks, for a later NW.js version that will still work, or even by using the Steamworks addon instead of the Greenworks one? (assuming it's not just for Windows, as I need to output to Linux and Mac as well)

    Has someone successfully done Steam Achievement completion percentages/values, and, if so, what version of Greenworks/NW.js do you use/recommend? Thank you

  • Hello, Is there a way I can protect my Steam game package from being extracted (images, audio files, etc) by customers? Exported out of Construct 3 nw.js. I thought minify takes care of that, but it looks like it doesn't.

  • Check out my new game just released on Steam and the great Steam Deck handheld console, made in Construct 2/3 with heavy use of Brashmonkey's Spriter Pro animation software.

    Grab a free game download key from this list

    and claim it within the Steam client or on a Steam Deck console to get the game for free. Please give it a Recommended/Yes uptick on Steam to support a fellow Construct/Spriter game developer and help get it noticed on Steam.

    You'll notice the game is really mostly like watching an animated series, that just runs on its own, with occasional interactive elements and battles. There's a host of unlockable post-game content, features, and mini-games. I voiced most of the male characters. The story might start off a bit slow, but quickly gets kicking.

    I'm a bit over a year into my next project, a Pokemon-type monster training RPG (who doesn't love those?) featuring a massive world populated by characters from the same franchise as the above game.

  • I've updated the next beta to try to log more helpful error messages when invalid names are encountered. However we don't know what the root cause problem is yet so we're working blind, so this may or may not help. If the project is just corrupt, it's impossible to show a good error message (and in that case the only good error message to show would be "the project appears to be corrupt" anyway).

    Sounds good, I'll keep waiting on Construct email support to fix it for me.

    My project was started in C2, opened in C3 with no error messages, and also previews fine, I put a day of work into it, and saves with no problems, but then when closed and later opened again, is when it gives "failed to open project".

  • Ashley It appears to be a different problem:

    > Note: This project doesn't even open in previous versions (I tried r388.2, 388, 387, 386, 385, 384, 383, 382, 381, and 380) so I wouldn't be able to change any names of anything inside the project

    I wish console errors in Construct contained more useful information. They are often too vague or illegible, like "Invalid name" or "Error Zx.fs in"

    Yes this is true. Hopefully Construct support can fix it when they have time, as I can't even enter the project even if I knew how to fix it that way. (Maybe they can make it so that these errors are just ignored and the project opened, if that wouldn't be a problem anyway for any reason.)

  • This happens to me quite frequently. I'm not sure what causes this issue but here are some things that seemed to help fix it for me:

    Thanks. The closest to applicable thing there was maybe clearing cookies/cache, but still same error. I hope Construct support is able to get back to my email from a few days ago before too long. No rush, as long as it's eventually fixed, in case the fix is beyond me. I'm doing whatever I can for the project until I can get back into C3, to pass the time, mainly creating visual assets for later use.

  • Wait, it gave the same error in r388.2 anyway. I thought opening it in r388.2 was the fix. I made a post about my issue here if anyone can help:

  • > how do you open the project in an older version

    Unpack c3p file into a folder. Open project.c3proj file in any text editor and update this string:

    "savedWithRelease": 39700

    Thanks, I changed that number to 38800 and opened it in r388.2. The clear answer to me is to just continue working in that version instead of ever updating, until a future update ever fixes this issue or at least tells us in an easy pop-up what exactly to fix.

    Is there a way to tell my desktop shortcut of the C3 app to go to r388.2 instead of the latest version? When I install the app it always results in the latest version instead. Thanks

  • Try Construct 3

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  • SOLVED: Construct support fixed my project. It was one layer that I had previously named "?" in C2, where this project started before opening it in C3 to continue work there. C2 seems to have allowed "?" as a layer name, whereas C3 will give an "Invalid name" popup if attempting to name a layer that. Thank you!

    I read previous posts about the "invalid names" causing this, but don't see how this console log tells me what those are. I sent my project to to be fixed, but if someone can tell me how to fix it myself, and I fix it, I can let them know I no longer need help with it. Thank you

    Note: This project doesn't even open in previous versions (I tried r388.2, 388, 387, 386, 385, 384, 383, 382, 381, and 380) so I wouldn't be able to change any names of anything inside the project, but I do have it saved as a folder project, so I can edit anything if needed that way.

  • how do you open the project in an older version

  • Is there a way to set that dragging the middle mouse button in an event sheet in C3 drags the view up or down like it does in C2?

  • My large project slows my computer to a crawl when exporting, so I exported last night when away from the computer and was planning on doing the actual download step the next day, but the next day I open C3 and the Export Manager only contains 2 older ones from July, despite the fact that last night I checked it and it had the latest export from last night (in August). It's the same C3 app/browser (Chrome), but different Export Manager contents. What happened to the export? Thanks


    How do most if any C2/3 creators make a living income if not for consoles? My games are always too big in GB to fit under the archaic 100MB limit of phone games (unless they finally upped that limit by now, with how many GB smartphones hold these days, but a quick search suggests it's only gone up to 200MB for those of us who can't code to somehow include 'additional assets' without a tutorial that makes it easy--maybe one that C3 can write up for us?), plus people are used to phone games being free and ad-supported, and I'm not sure if ads alone lead to the big bucks.

    I said this many times before, but I think C3 should embrace consoles, not run away from them. My current hope now is the handheld Steam Deck. (Which runs C3 games so fast and smoothly that I actually have to slow down aspects of my game--that I based on how slowly it ran in Preview--that are actually too fast on the Deck! Which is of course a good thing. And, no size limits for games to load up! As long as internal storage has at least a few GB free.) Assuming I have no issues with players happening upon my game in the Steam store without knowing it exists. Theoretically even online multiplayer would work on Steam, something I gave up on long ago because it wasn't allowed on Xbox's Creators Collection.

    I think C3 should aim to be a console game creator. Think about it: At least Xbox games are possible on C3. Why deprecate what little console ability C3's export has? It's true that in my experience the total game size shouldn't exceed about 250 MB to run on Xbox (or else you get the infinite red loading bar even without preloading sounds) but at least it's a popular console for selling smaller games on. Why not at the very least keep Xbox/UWP going? Even if it [may be] impossible to increase the runnable size.

    I also before wondered if C3 could make a deal with another company, such as Game Maker Studio or Unity, to allow C2/3 games to be imported into their software just for the sake of taking advantage of their ability to export to Xbox/PS/Switch. "Made with Construct3 & Unity".

    I've always been a console guy from a young age, plus as I said my serious games are GBs in size. I hope Steam and especially the Steam Deck can finally be the answer for making a livable income making games.

  • I built a multiplayer game using p2p scirra signaling server & it works well. Will it still work if published to Xbox, or would I have to use Xbox multiplayer services? If so, how would I access those services & would I have to change my code to use Xbox servers? I plan to publish to Xbox using the new plug-in features.

    I think you have to have the game accepted thru IDwyw@Xbox which I never pulled off. Although I don't know if any programming is required for that even if they did accept your game?