adamcreator's Forum Posts

  • What did I do to start getting an empty black screen on Steam Deck when I haven't changed anything about the export process nor any other steps associated with uploading updates to Steam?

    It started only 2 updates ago, I can't figure out what step I went wrong on, and I'm very experienced with uploads and updates on Steam Deck now, having had updated this game like 20x so far for tests. Why the black screen now? What's changed?

    I have the game in the Steam support review queue, so for now I set the build that last worked, 3 builds ago, but even that's showing as a black screen now! What gives? The next review will say it's just a black screen.

    (All I can even imagine changing is that I imported a few sounds, and I notice in C3 they're webm files instead of C2's ogg format, but would that for any reason cause the new black screen on Steam Deck?)


    Thankfully I seem to have fixed this. At one point during my frantic tests a message popped up on my Steam Deck saying low on storage space. I moved everything I could from my tiny Deck storage to the 1TB SD card, freeing up about 2GB, and my game ran! Unsure what difference it makes, but whatever. The only question is: Why is my system storage almost all full with a yellow-labeled kind of files called 'non-Steam files unmanaged by Steam'? I haven't done anything with my Steam desktop or anything, so wondering why my internal Steam storage is almost full. I got the cheapest Steam Deck system there is, so I'll have to look up how I can clear these odd files that are leaving only a couple GB free.

  • It happens way too often. I can't break decades of muscle memory of ctrl+W closing the current tab (event sheet or layout in C3's case). Then it takes another half an hour (no exaggeration) to open the large project again, with nothing for me to do while I wait (other than writing yet another angry post about it here to help pass the time), losing precious time in my already tight schedule, because C3 doesn't even bother to keep the project in RAM/memory so that I can at least open it faster after the fall. If only I had a software that can disable the combination of ctrl+W doing anything as a work-around. I only need C3 for exporting C2 projects, but during that time I also need to use it for ~a month of last-minute work to make improvements and fixes for the platform I'm putting it on. I wish that after years of C3 being out, an exit confirmation option was already put into it, instead of my asking for it multiple times.

    Also, C3 doesn't bother to save how we left each layout before, even after saving, even though C2 knows to do that, so every time we reopen the project, each time we open a layout again, we once again have to quickly zoom out yet again, center it yet again, hide layers that are supposed to be hidden yet again, lock layers that are supposed to stay locked yet again, etc. By now, C3 should get these productivity-killing problems fixed.

  • Our game is officially certified on Steam Deck and we never had these issues. All buttons and sticks work as they should.

    Try changing "Steam input" option in controller settings in Steam.

    I searched every corner of the options there but I can't figure out what you mean other than mapping Gamepad buttons manually which I already did of course. (I was looking for some tick box called 'Steam Input') To reiterate, my problem is that the following buttons don't translate or connect between C3 and Steam Deck: Right Trigger, Left Trigger, Select, Start, D-Pad. In other words, I feel like what C3 calls the "Right shoulder trigger" button doesn't find a matching button on Steam Deck (where it's called the "R2" button). But, for example, the "Right shoulder button" DOES work, despite that it's called the "R1" button on Steam Deck. If every button worked for you right away, why don't they work for me? Of course I also have the Gamepad input in C3 set to 0, for player 1.

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  • This could be an issue that may require fixing on C3's end, unless there's another explanation for it: I notice these problems in the way the Gamepad buttons used in C3 translate to testing on the Steam Deck:

    -The Left and Right Shoulder Trigger buttons never do anything on Steam Deck, even when the Controller Settings on the Steam Deck for that game are actually set for L2 and R2 to actually result in L2 and R2.

    -The same goes for the Select/Back/View button and the Start/Menu button.

    -The same goes for the entire D-Pad.

    -Strangest of all, the Right Joystick strangely swaps the X-axis and Y-axis. Which also swaps which direction - and + axis values go, since Y-axis goes down when + and up when -.

    To try to get around this, in Steam Deck Controller Config I set all of those buttons to a mouse or keyboard button that my game does use, BUT this results in a lot of extra work on my part changing what those keys should do in game. (Since now, for example, I would sometimes use Start/Menu button for the Spacebar, but other times for Esc. Now I have to go back and ensure Start/Menu button is only ever used for Spacebar, which results in more work in both events and UI images. Meanwhile, a very easy fix is that I set the D-pad to simply be the keyboard arrow keys, for perfect results, that simply has to be set manually in Steam Deck Controller settings.)

    Does this require a fix in C3 itself or is it something I can do?


  • I notice in testing my game on Steam Deck that at some point the LocalStorage must have been deleted or cleared or otherwise gone missing, so that I lost my game save that I was using while testing. Not a big issue when testing, as long as this doesn't mean that coming out with actual updates post-release could possibly clear or somehow ignore existing LocalStorage or Game Save. To confirm, there's no danger to updates somehow causing LocalStorage or Gave Saves to be deleted or otherwise no longer used, correct? And of course the Steam Deck retains LocalStorage and Game Saves, including after game updates and console restarts, correct?


  • In C2, Ctrl+W merely closes the layout or event sheet, as it should, never the entire software. In C3, it closes the entire thing. For those of us with large projects, this results in another half an hour up to one hour wait just for trying to close an event sheet. The entire project has to open again, which takes at least half an hour each time, cutting into your work day, plus another wait to load the preview/images again for the first time after reopening the project. It's not right for one innocent tapping of Ctrl+W to once again result in that wonderful yell: ********* Since I'm also in the good habit of hitting Ctrl+S very often, I unfortunately lose that protection after hitting Ctrl+W that asks if you want to close the project without saving, which prevents the exit. The best fix would be to return Ctrl+W to closing the active layout or event sheet, but since C3 runs in a browser, maybe the next update can just add an option in settings to confirm exit. Thankfully I use C2 and just buy 1 month of C3 when it's time to export so I'm not saddled with C3, but would be a good change to make for those who use C3 all the time with large projects. I'll see if I can put this in as a feature request on the github.

  • But are you talking about a change in how we have to work with screenshot data in C3 vs C2? It worked perfectly in C2, so just trying to quickly find the difference.

  • My game handled snapshots perfectly in C2, but I had to load it up in C3 to export to Steam, am 2 weeks into it, just need to figure out what the heck changed about snapshots between C2 and C3, as it's the only feature in my game that isn't working anymore. My game has a built-in snapshots system where player can save up to 40+ snapshots which all show up in one gallery as seen below and they can save any snapshots to their safe, as the oldest snapshots get overwritten by design by new ones when space runs out, etc. This worked perfectly in C2, where every time a snapshot of canvas is taken, it saves the snapshot data as a localstorage key of Snapshot(number that global variable is on for next snapshot position) and then when you enter the gallery it loads all the localstorage values for all existing snapshots from "Snapshot1" to "Snapshot42" at most, where all of the blueish objects is a different snapshot and clicking on it shows the full version. Again, all worked perfectly in C2. Is there a change I need to do somewhere in C3? Such as at the moment the snapshot is taken, or the way it's saved to localstorage, or the way it's loaded from it.

  • I was VERY clear that the issue is irrelevant to Spriter. The addon is free and could be installed and uninstalled after. Every image in the project has the issue, but it took too long replicating the issue with a single sprite/png in a new empty project, to upload it. It's such a big issue and happened automatically (upon opening a C2 project in C3, which may be irrelevant to the cause). Whoever knows about this sort of thing, what causes the alpha to appear to have a black background instead of clear? No effect is applied, of course, as it happens to every image in the project. No overlay screen effect is applied either. I don't want to dedicate more time to fitting a ridiculous no-Spriter requirement to get help. I'll replace this if I pull it off.

  • Have you tried changing this setting: in game properties on Steam (gear icon) -> Controllers tab -> "Steam input" for your controller type.

    Enabling/disabling it often helps to fix various controller issues.

    Do you know how to incorporate a custom Steam Deck gamepad input layout into our game so that everyone who plays it gets our custom layout by default? I'd rather not make gamers work for the correct layout thru in-game instructions, or something of the sort.

    UPDATE: I found the answer to my issue stated above: there's a gear icon that leads to "Layout Details", and that contains the needed link!

  • I have an at least somewhat similar issue. I notice that even with the normal/recommended gamepad settings set on Steam Deck, (set to use Xbox/Deck gamepad buttons as normal) these buttons don't work on Steam Deck for a C3 game:

    Left and Right Shoulder Triggers



    D-pad (all directions)

    I edited the Gamepad config in the usual area on the Steam Deck for the game, (for example I map the Back button with the Esc key, which is applicable to my particular game) but the question is how do I make my own config the default when players play my game? I see the Steamworks area related to it at but I don't know how to get the link to my Gamepad config that it asks for, even after using the 'share config with community' option in the Deck.

  • Hi. Can you post a c3p file with a small piece of the problem. We will give you an answer faster.!AkiRQvsjrjq8i0O0k3dVbCHeKpQ7

    It just needs the Spriter addon. (It doesn't matter that it's from a Spriter image, the problem happens to every image in the project, but I was able to replicate the issue in a new empty project using a Spriter scene.) The actual image png has normal alphas, but in preview it shows the black alpha (such as on the character faces).

  • Surprised to not find this already answered by searching forum. Closest I got was someone saying it only happens in Chrome, so switched to Edge and still same issue. Happens in both preview and even Steam Deck. See image for difference between alpha in C3 image editor, vs in game, where alpha turns to black instead of clear. Note this happens to every single image in the game, not just one. If it matters, project was originally made in C2, and opened in C3. Unsure what general image setting or otherwise determines alpha being black instead of clear. 100% clear still ends up 100% clear as it should, but all gradients between color and clear end up black, as if the 'background of alphas' is black instead of clear, until it gets to the point of being totally clear.

  • I think it will be impossible for you from C2. The best thing would be to move the project to C3.

    I think there are people who did successfully export C2 games in the past, so just trying to figure out the proper steps and details to achieving that. Unless it's impossible today due to something like Steam's end no longer working with older versions. If no one can help, I'm planning on just doing the $20 for 1 month of C3 so I can see if my project's export works on Steam with the latest versions of everything.

  • I get the infinite Steam logo when I hit Play on my Steam Deck. The main resource I used was this:

    And I also checked out this forum post:

    I used:

    Construct 2 v279

    NW.js v0.30.4

    Greenworks v0.30.4

    Steamworks SDK v1.42

    I followed all the instructions I could find, doing what I could in C2 to best match C3 instructions using the latest versions of everything that are explicitly for C2 for maximum compatibility, but I couldn't perfectly follow the Greenworks nodes step due to the given link not giving the old version I need, 0.30.4, so my package just has the Greenworks nodes that are exported out of C2. I also may have had newer versions of NW.js and/or Greenworks in my C2, but I did install the older versions I needed for Steam. However, I don't know of a way of checking which version of each is actually being employed, so I don't know if I need to find some way to uninstall NW.js, and Greenworks, so I can ensure I only install the older one of each that I need. That's about all I can think of that may be concerns, I think I did everything else correctly everywhere, including in every corner of Steamworks. My game is pretty big, exactly 3GB, but I don't think there are any size limitations, and I correctly use SteamPipeGUI for uploading files over 2GB, the only difference being that method asks for the folder itself, such as 'win64', not a zip, which is what I do. Any help would be appreciated.