Get rid of Ctrl+W closing the entire editor window

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  • In C2, Ctrl+W merely closes the layout or event sheet, as it should, never the entire software. In C3, it closes the entire thing. For those of us with large projects, this results in another half an hour up to one hour wait just for trying to close an event sheet. The entire project has to open again, which takes at least half an hour each time, cutting into your work day, plus another wait to load the preview/images again for the first time after reopening the project. It's not right for one innocent tapping of Ctrl+W to once again result in that wonderful yell: "SHIT!!!" Since I'm also in the good habit of hitting Ctrl+S very often, I unfortunately lose that protection after hitting Ctrl+W that asks if you want to close the project without saving, which prevents the exit. The best fix would be to return Ctrl+W to closing the active layout or event sheet, but since C3 runs in a browser, maybe the next update can just add an option in settings to confirm exit. Thankfully I use C2 and just buy 1 month of C3 when it's time to export so I'm not saddled with C3, but would be a good change to make for those who use C3 all the time with large projects. I'll see if I can put this in as a feature request on the github.

  • For me it does ask if I want to close if there are any unsaved changes to the project.

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  • Browsers don't let web pages override some important shortcuts, to prevent abuse. Unfortunately Ctrl+W is one of these: there is no way for a web page to override it, probably to avoid the situation an abusive web page is trying to make itself unclosable.

    Construct should prompt to make sure you want to close the tab if there are unsaved changes in your project, though.

  • I use an extension that allows to lock Chrome tabs and prevent them from closing.

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