Spam issue

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  • The tutorials have the same problem!!!

  • For people having issues with the mailing spam due to newly tutorials being posted, please consider temporarily unsubscribing and check newer tutorials manually until we get the spamming issue fully resolved.


  • It's a real spam-bomb. I have already deleted tens of mails regarding new spam-tutorials... And they keep coming...

  • Dear:

    I am getting a huge number of notifications of tutorials.

    When you open the link nothing appears.

    What's going on?

    I receive more than 40 emails daily.

    Attach Print Screen.

  • Someone is spamming Scirra forums and tutorials. They do that from different IP addresses, so Scirra can't ban them.

    When you open the link, nothing appears because Ashley and moderators delete those spams as soon as posible.

  • It's becoming quite a PITA... My email is being flooded by these "new tutorial notifications".... How are they getting added without a valid user account?

  • Unfortunately its as easy to make new email addresses as it is to get new ip's.

    You have to look at it as nothing more than a child throwing a tantrum.

  • You have to look at it as nothing more than a child throwing a tantrum.

    A disgruntled ex C2 user perhaps..............

  • I've unsubscribed from the tutorial notifications. It was getting hard to spot real emails in between all the Scirra spam.

    It didn't work - still getting spam. I'll try unchecking all the subscription boxes on my profile.

    Ahh it didn't work. I've changed my email... make it stop

    I suppose it takes time for the mailing list to update.

  • For people having issues with the mailing spam due to newly tutorials being posted, please consider temporarily unsubscribing and check newer tutorials manually until we get the spamming issue fully resolved.


    Would it be possible to have global temporary unsubscribe (set from admin level) until problem is solved?

  • I've had almost 400 separate tutorials spam emails over the course of 12 hours, had to turn off all tutorial email notifications to stop it. But even though I stopped it, they keep coming! Why won't it stop if I told it to stop in my account????

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  • It has been over a half hour since I turned off the tutorial notifications to my email, but the tutorial spam keeps on coming!!! Since what I am doing does not work, can't somone at Scirra stop it ??????

  • I woke up to 15 tutorial notifications and it's still ticking them off every few minutes it seems. I'm sure the Scirra team will deal with it shortly though.

  • Yeah the whole Captcha thing is pointless as long as there's cheap labor to do the dirty work.

    No point in speculating in what they are paying them, my guess is they would kill their own family for a smile.

  • I had to unsubscribe from Scirra emails, after 30 or so emails, it got to me.

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