JoKiv's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • I know how to filter spam from email (to trash directly, without flagging scirra as spammer) but those who don't - getting over 400 messages per day might be annoying.

    Without filtering situation would be; Gmail nicely categorizes same subjects "Scirra (40)" so I won't see 40 mails directly from that but when spammer has different username - different collection of emails gets piled and mobile device beeps several times per hour.

    I just hope that SNS won't cause problems in the future for Scirra.

    Adding some custom checks has helped when I did run forums. "What is the name of the product we sell", "check only third and fifth checkbox to prove you are not robot", "leave this field empty". It causes too much customization to spamming scripts them to deal it.

    Also adding delay when new users can post (like an hour) has cut many "hit and run" spammers.

  • For people having issues with the mailing spam due to newly tutorials being posted, please consider temporarily unsubscribing and check newer tutorials manually until we get the spamming issue fully resolved.


    Would it be possible to have global temporary unsubscribe (set from admin level) until problem is solved?

  • Most are named "\\?MXD7?COM?\[some non latin characters that can vary]"

    if you google that "MXD7?COM" you can see that it has been issue with many sites lately

  • If someone wants to have easy portable game if would be nice to have optionally saves at same directory.

  • Ashley Bug report states that "Does this work in other browsers? Yes". Just thought that it's incorrect statement at a moment. Re-exporting has more priority. Especially when Chrome has "Status: WontFix".

  • Game "space-blaster" has start-up problems with Firefox 31.0. Game goes silent when pressed space and nothing happens.

  • In the absolute, I guess the best would be to take advantage of some update to the game (bug fixing/content addition/whatever stuff of the like) and as you would export it with the business version it would be all good.

    With my speed of development this might be far away I have created some small games for personal learning but it takes a while to have confidence to publish something publicly.

    No, you don't need to republish your game.

    Thanks for the info

  • I know about personal user income sales/ads/etc limit for commercial use.

    I just had a thought that if you make small game with personal edition and it suddenly starts selling and you upgrade to Business Edition. Do I need to recompile game with business license. Does compiled game have any different data depending which license you use?

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  • Under Windows, node-webkit exported games store their webstorage info at "OS:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\AppName\Local Storage", which is unaffected by users clearing their web browser's cache.

    o you have paths for other operating systems? Linux and MacOS

    I've tested CCleaner and it also leaves the data alone. Other cleanup applications might be more brutal, but I guess you could be extra careful and warn players against running these sorts of applications.

    ctually it would be bit dangerous to clear random \AppData\Local\ directories. It could reset many apps to defaults and revoke licenses. Surely dirs could be scanned for known info but I don't think any cleaner will do that. Slow and not foolproof.

  • 9 posts